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Jun rested his hand casually on his thigh as Xian drove them towards their home. His smile turned into a smirk at the sight of Xian's Iron Man plushie on his lap. It was huge, almost the size of a baby.

"What are you smiling at?" Xian was quick to glance at Jun and then back to the road.

"Can't believe a grown ass man would buy an Iron Man plushie." Jun teased Xian and loved the soft pink colouring on the younger man's cheeks.

"Hey! Don't question my love for Iron man. He's the only man who owns my heart and ass." Xian grinned, and Jun chuckled at his jest.

"Alright I won't question your loyalty. But then this is seriously huge!"

"Just see my condo the next time you visit. I have posters of Iron Man, including one where Mr. Robert Downey Jr has himself signed, sealed, and dated."

"You've met him?"

"Yup!" Xian took a quick right turn as he continued, "I was at the Comic-Con Convention in San Diego a few years ago, and he was there to promote his movie. We clicked pictures, spoke, and I legit almost proposed to him then and there, but sadly couldn't."

"What happened?"

"His wife."

Jun doubled in laughter. He couldn't believe what he just heard. "Really?"

"Yeah. "She's a pretty lady, but I would never forgive her for taking my Jr. away from me."

Jun had to stop wheezing as he felt the cramps taking over his sides. He watched Xian grin childishly and was glad to be having this conversation.

"This is outright the craziest story I have ever heard."

"Glad to be of service, Mr. Lan." Xian drove them homeward.

Just then Jun's phone rang, and one of his employees' names flashed on the screen.


"Boss, we have a situation. We found a baby red panda in the reserves. Seems its mama has abandoned it."

"Red Panda? They aren't even native to this area."

"One reason we're calling you at this hour. What should we do?"

"Don't worry. I'll be there in half an hour. In the meanwhile, call our vet and ask them if they can stop by."

"Sure. Will do, Boss."

"Red Panda?" Xian's curiosity was piqued, and Jun failed to notice a sudden rise in interest in this question.

"Yeah. I am surprised too. Drop me home, and I'll walk to the reserve. You can go and rest."


"What do you mean by nope?"

"I am not letting you walk all alone at night, let alone roam in the sanctuary at this hour. Let's take my car."

"You do realise this isn't the first time I have made such a trip at night."

"Agreed. But I am here, and until then, I won't let you out there all alone. End of discussion."

Jun had to bite his lips as his heart raced erratically. Never before had he ever experienced such dominance. He never had someone to issue such ultimatums and make him feel wanted.

"You're quiet. What's the matter?" Xian questioned.

With a sigh, Jun hugged the plushie and inquired, "Is this how it feels to be in a relationship with you?"

Xian was definitely taken aback. He quickly glanced at Jun and then back onto the road as he asked, "What?"

"Believe it or not, you just gave me an ultimatum."

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