🏒 Neutral Zone⛸️

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"You have a proposition for me?" Xian was surprised by Azure's statement.


"Um... You're not going to pull out Christian Gray to my Anastasia Steele right?"

Azure blinked cluelessly and asked, "Who Christian Gray?"

What the fuck!

"Um... Christian Gray? Anastasia Steele? 50 shades of grey? Ring any bell?" Xian wasn't sure if he could laugh at this moment. Azure being clueless was adorable.

"50 what?"

Unable to control his laughter, Xian let out a chuckle and grinned, "So innocent Mr. Lan. So untainted. Makes me want to corrupt you so bad."

'Is that a blush I see on Azure's cheeks?'

"Your proposition Mr. Lan?"

Scratching his cheeks Azure let out a sigh, "Why do I get the feeling of being mocked by you?"

"I assure you I am not mocking." There was more Xian wanted to say and this Jun was aware off; but in the end he didn't and Jun kept the feeling to himself.

"About my proposition; please don't retire at this moment. Let me train you to achieve the cup; a dream that you had once seen for yourself; and once you win; then retire with an awe."


"Xian; don't make the same mistake as me. I left everything without an ounce of explanation. I didn't even have the guts to seek my team or fans and left them to fend for themselves. One regret which will forever remain with me was to leave without any closure.

"Be the glory you were born to be. Don't play for brother, uncle, JC or anyone else. Play for yourself one last time and let your name be etched as an exemplary player in hearts of many. Let your name be chanted when people talk about goaltenders.

"Just once love the dream you were born to live. A lot of us have associated our hopes with you. Just once, play in the finals and let your name be synonymous with goaltending. You're born to save, so save yourself. That; will be the punishment you teach to your assaulters."

Xian did not even realise he had tears in his eyes until Azure carefully wiped them away.

"They took something precious from you, but teach them they can't take away your dreams too. You standing with your head held high holding the cup will be their mammoth defeat. So Xian; will you let me help you?"

Xian held his breath as he gazed into Azure's eyes. They were calm and alluring in a way that made him feel safe.

'When was the last time I felt this safe?' Xian had an answer; 'Never.'

"Do I seem abhorrent to you Azure?"

Jun frowned at this question. Why would he feel that way?


"Whatever happened all those months ago; I felt dirty. I felt tainted and extremely hurt and disgusted. Do I seem dirty to you?"

Jun was aghast and instantly took the man into an embrace without much thought.

Caressing Xian's hair Jun whispered softly, "Each of us has a story Xian. Some are happy and some are sad. It is upon us how we wish to write our own lives. I don't see you that way. Your words are your own descriptions of yourself. I see a man who had the courage to come here and seek my help even though he's angry at his circumstances. I see a man who inspite of being broken; wanted one ray of hope to save himself from drowning. I see you Xian. Only you."

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