The King Amongst Fallen Giants

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His eyelids twitch as the sunlight hits his face, and he lets out a light grumble of annoyance as he places an arm in front of his head, attempting to block the rays, though this proves to be fruitless

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His eyelids twitch as the sunlight hits his face, and he lets out a light grumble of annoyance as he places an arm in front of his head, attempting to block the rays, though this proves to be fruitless. The pelagus decides to roll over so he's facing away from the light; however, this causes one of his horns to unknowingly get entangled in the webbing. As the sun warms Thunder's back and brings him some form of comfort, soon enough he begins dosing off once again.

Just as he's about to fall asleep, the primal forest's morning choir commences, preventing him from slipping into a peaceful slumber once more. Now frustrated, Thunder attempts to get up and roar at the chorus, but almost immediately he falls aa his horn is still stuck in the silken threads. Despite having lost its sticky properties a long time ago, the web is still strong enough to stop the Rajang from getting up easily.

With some difficulty, Thunder grabs the silk and rips his head away from it. Growling, he smashes his fist against the web to little effect and gets up, proceeding to scratch his head and yawn. Despite this rough start to the morning, the Rajang quickly calms himself and climbs down the web. Landing on the forest floor, the pelagus takes in his surroundings and takes a moment to admire his home; that is until he notices something that's out of place: where a boulder used to be, now is a pit. Moving over to the hole in confusion, he simply stares at it, forgetting that he threw the rock that used to be there at the Malfestio in the early hours of the morning. Not particularly bothered by this change, the Rajang begins digging through the loose soil, searching for buried invertebrates to eat.

Typically, Thunder prefers eating larger animals with lots of meat on them; however, he occasionally breaks this norm and takes smaller species and plants. As he continues digging, his hand hits something hard; pulling back more of the topsoil, he catches a glimpse of a Konchu burrowing deeper into the ground. Before the neopteron can escape, the Rajang grabs its back end and yanks it out of the ground. The Konchu dangles in the air, waving its pincers around in a feeble threat display as Thunder holds it in his right hand, unimpressed by the show.

 The Konchu dangles in the air, waving its pincers around in a feeble threat display as Thunder holds it in his right hand, unimpressed by the show

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Sitting down, Thunder prepares to devour his meal, when suddenly the Konchu pinches a finger, causing the pelagus to reflexively drop it. As soon as it makes contact with the ground, the neopteron curls up into a ball and starts rolling straight at the Rajang, ramming him in the process, though this counterattack is more annoying than anything else. Glaring at the troublesome invertebrate, the Rajang grabs the neopteron with both hands and growls. His species may be the least intelligent of all pelagi, but he still has the smarts needed to figure out how to get his meal in this scenario. Determining the Konchu's head's placement, Thunder grabs both ends of his target, and with relative ease, peals it open.

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