History Of Y/N & Events Of Reach

Start from the beginning

Carter: Y/N, something wrong?

You didn't respond, instead reloading your DMR and aiming at where the girl was.

Jorge: Y/N, she is innocent dont shoot

Everyone was on edge until you fired behind her; you could see an outline of an elite as his active camo broke.

Carter: We've been engaged!

As said, Elite destroyed the controls, narrowly missing Kat; he knocked you on your ass and ran off as two more elites came down; one tried to stab you, but grabbing his wrist, you responded with a punch.

Y/N: you are one ugly mother fucker!

It roared in your face until Carter kicked it off; he kicked the DMR to you as Kat forced him to fall back. After dealing with the elites, Jorge spoke to the girl as Emile spoke with you.

Emile: How the hell did you know there was an elite there?

Y/N: he used active camo. I could just make out his outline. I've seen many elites use it before, but they were Zealots; not every day do I get to fight them or even punch one.

Emile: Heh, so I heard the first day back, and you get Covenant, slapped by your friend with benefits, and punch a Zealot. Aren't you lucky.

You rolled your eyes in response; you liked Emile, but he wasn't the best at being social.

ONI Sword base

You and Jorge watched the Covenant ship get destroyed as he put an arm around your shoulder.

Jorge: I could watch this all day, but we are needed.

Valks: Yeah, Hasley wants to see you both.

Y/N: welp, I'm either in deep shit, or she wants you back; she never seems to be happy to see me even after I saved her.

Jorge: don't worry, she's always like that

Heading in, you saw Doctor Halsey, but she didn't see you yet; she complained about what Jorge had done to her armor and threatened to send Kat to the bridge.

Halsey: I could send you to the bridge for tampering with my work.

Y/N: Halsey, I'm calling in that favor you owe me

You came into the light, and she sighed.

Halsey: I knew you would call that favor in at the worst time; fine, I won't send her to bridge this time; how is Valkyrie treating you?

Y/N: she's good; thank you again for the gift, Doctor, and thank you for not sending Kat to the bridge.

Kat looked at you, giving you a blush


You and Jun climbed by a cliff face as you sighed with a smile.

Y/N: it brings me back to my old head-hunting days, bet I get more kills than you.

Jun: HA, okay, you're on 6.

After getting more kills than Jun, you both saw an invading army

Valks: Christ, there is enough firepower here to level half of reach.

Y/N: Kat, you seeing this?

Kat: I am pull back, sun will be up in a few hours, and tomorrow will be a busy day.

Jun: Sure, you don't want to run in there with a bomb, Y/N?

Y/N, your just salty I got more kills than you

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