
I turned from watching the faceless crowd as Becky called across to me. I'd tried to be discrete during the week, more or less hiding at the back of the impressive Armstrong Industries stand. I'd spent my time watching the crowd that approached for any sign of trouble. I wasn't actually expecting any but I wasn't going to take any chances. Nothing was going to happen to Becky on my watch, for both personal and professional reasons and it's definitely not going to happen when my boss is in the same room singing our praises to potential clients.

As I looked across at her, I saw her beckoning me over with a smile on her face. It wasn't a real smile, though. I hadn't seen much of her real smiles during the last few days. Even when we found a moment to ourselves, she seemed withdrawn, a far cry from the happy person I had persuaded to have a nice, romantic meal with me on Sunday night. 

Everything had become so labored between us with the stresses and strains of the Expo, she'd even resorted to sniping at me about my protectiveness; it was like we were back at the start again, back at fucking Armstrong Manor. I didn't like it, but I was trying to be understanding. I knew she was stressed, and I know she was just taking it out on me. 

Because of that, I took it all, but I couldn't help but feel that it would be nice to see that real smile back on her face and I made a note to see what I could do about putting it back where it belonged. 

"Yes, Miss Armstrong?" I said professionally as I stepped up beside her, suddenly realizing there was someone stood with her.

"Ah, Freen, this is Hayley, apparently she has some forms for you." 

"Forms?" I asked the tall brunette who was smiling at us both. She was clearly one of the hired models that were acting as runners for the organizers. I'd spent some time with a few of them and the other models that were working the stands over the last couple of days. Well, a couple of them had come over talking to me at lunch one day and it would have been rude to just dismiss them.

Plus, Becky or no Becky, I'm not going to say 'no' to being surrounded by pretty girls. Just because I'm not interested in them doesn't mean it wasn't fun. To my great surprise, they were really nice, I really wasn't expecting that. I know it's shallow of me, but I didn't really have a high opinion of people in that business; how wrong I was. 

They had a real mix of personalities as well. Some of the girls I met were students working their way through college, some were professionals making a living going from event to event looking good for the 'punters'. Some of them were exactly what you would think they would be, vacuous and shallow, but the majority of them were smart; book smart and street smart. Despite myself, I really enjoyed hanging around with them, in an event full of false formality they were a breath of fresh air; and they gossiped like squaddies, swore like them as well, behind the scenes of course. 

It made the boring breaks I took, while Becky was tied up in those seemingly endless business meetings, that little bit more sociable.

"Just a little formality for tomorrow's competition, Freen," she replied casually all teeth and tits, "nothing too arduous". 

I stared back at her, racking my brains to remember if we'd actually spoken or if she was just doing the false friendliness that plagued the public arena. As I stared at her, I got a nudge in the side from Becky and looked at her to receive a stern glare.

"The papers, Freen," she told me all hints of her good mood seemingly vanished, that false smile back on her face, "I doubt Hayley has got all day." I took the papers the brunette was holding out with a polite smile and a nod.

"If you could complete those and bring them with you tomorrow, Freen," Hayley said holding out her hand for me to shake. "We'll get you all sorted out ready for the afternoon. I'm really looking forward to seeing you in action. Have a nice evening. If you need anything, let me know; my number's at the top of the paperwork." 

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