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I woke up to the sound of shuffling in the kitchen as well pots clattering. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and wore a pair of sweatpants. I went yo the kitchen and found Zama preparing a full greasy breakfast. Lomuntu uvuke nini? I pulled her in a hug and she yelps in suprise. She playfully slapped me in my chest and gave in to my embrace.

" Good morning sthandwa sami, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I made breakfast."

"You didn't have to stress yourself about that but thank you anyway." I mumbled while nuzzling my nosed against her neck. I loved burying my face in her neck but fighting the urge to kiss was my biggest nemesis. I wanted her to be fully comfortable around me and I was too scared to overstep any boundaries. I didn't want to risk being taken ten steps back. For the first time in a long time I'm actually hoping what we had could work. Somehow.

I noticed how she would face the floor when I tried to look at her in her eyes although she would steal glances at my lips from time to time.

"Muzongi halela alikho icala lapho sthandwa sami. If you want to kiss you can kiss me, I'm all yours anyway." I whispered in her ear.

She looked surprised by my statement and a few seconds after the embarrassment crept in. She realised that I caught her checking me out. I loved it when she did and did not want her to feel embarrassed for doing so.

She went on her tippy toes and planted a small peck on my lips and that was it. I pulled her closer to me and held eye contact.

"What did I say?" I whispered with my lips a few moments away from hers.

"That you're all mine." She breathed out.


I placed my lips on hers and waited for her to continue. She was gentle yet so intimate. I deepened the kiss and we were left breathless a few minutes after.

She dished up for the both of us while I made both of us coffee. We hate in a comfortable silence. I remembered the message I received yesterday. I always had a plan for any worst case scenario but not this time. I hated Mseki for being so reckless.

"What's bothering you?" She broke the silence.

"My siblings are reckless sometimes. They get themselves into shit and expect me to get them out. Raising grown men to be grown is not easy. I went them to be the best version of themselves but they're always looking to fuck things up one way or another. Now we're not on speaking terms and I feel somewhat guilty." I vented.

She reached for my hand and laced her fingers into mine." They're kids Nkosana, they're bound to make mistakes. Just let them learn from them so they can grow from them." She advised.

I played with my food as I listened to her and registered everything she had said. She was right in a sense but in this particular situation. They completely fucked my life up.

"Thank you. This is the reason why I love you." I beamed.

She blushed immediately afterwards and packed the dishes. She offered to clean the kitchen since she would leave later. I dressed up for work and gave her clothes to were. She was quite surprised by the fact that I packed her undergarments and a few pads.

I kissed her goodbye, took my lunchbox and went to work.

Work was very uneventful save for Skhumbuzo boasting about his yet again pregnant wife. They're just always at it, I guess. The woman was pregnant twice in one year.

I drove back home and I was invited by an aroma filled with lavenders and all sorts of cleaning materials. I walked over to the kitchen and found already made food in the stove which was fried rice and roasted chicken.

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