"Just memories"

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I took a deep breath staring at the door of the place I used to call home. "You okay love?" My mum asked placing her hand on my shoulder. I slowly nodded, "just feels weird being here on these terms, I thought this place would be my forever and now.." I paused feeling the tears rush to my eyes. "Well now it's just memories." I say wiping the lone tear that had fallen down my face. I slowly placed the key in the door opening it slowly to be met with the smell of him. The person who I truly thought was my soulmate, the person who I'm still sure I would never be able to move on from. Mason. We had met at school and was high school sweethearts. We moved in together in 2019 once Mason had signed a new contract at Chelsea, that was four years ago and now I'm moving my stuff out into my own flat whilst Mason moves to Manchester. I wasn't hurt that he had decided to move from Chelsea I was hurt he decided to completely move on from everything that was associated with Chelsea. Including me. My mums hand brought me out of my trance, "you sure you can do this? Me and your father can get your stuff if this is to hard for you." My mum reminds me for the 100th time since we left this morning. "I've got to do this mum, for peace. I need to say goodbye to the place." I say looking at her. Her eyes were filled with tears. I wasn't the only one hurt by mason. My family adored him, was certain he was the one. He proved us all wrong. We made our way up the stairs to get all my last things.
"You sure that's everything?" My mum asks. I stand and look at the room I once found peace in. Tears rolled down my face as I looked at the unmade bed in the middle of the room. I nodded, "can you take this box to the car? I just need time to myself before I shut the door for the last time." I say staring at masons side of the bed. "Of course darling take your time." She said stroking the side of the head before giving it a kiss. I heard her walk down the stairs shutting the front door behind her. I took a deep breath finally let all the tears I had been holding back fall. I sat on the edge of the bed thinking at all the memories we had. One came to my head. It was vivid. I felt like I was still there. We was laughing, mason tickling me as I ran around the room before he picked me up and placed me on the bed. I stood up and stepped away from the bed, noticing the shirt of masons I used to wear to bed on the floor under some other clothes. I picked it up, it still smelt like him. I sighed before folding it up and placing it back on the pile. I made my way out the room closing the door behind me before making my way down the stairs. I went into the kitchen next. Staring at the cooker where Mason used to stand behind me and just hug me the whole time I was making dinner when he was feeling clingy. I picked up my drink I left on the side before making my way to the final room of the house. The place I used to spend most my time with Mason. The living room. The memories of when we first moved in flashed in my head. We was just two kids trying to make a place a forever home. We had almost succeeded. I looked at the sofa, seeing Mason laid behind me writing words on my back for me to guess whilst we watched a silly romcom on the tv. Or when our friends came over for our annual board game night and me and Mason used to cheat and make dec lose just to see him moan. My life would never be the same after losing Mason. I had lost a piece of myself as well. I looked at the now plain walls. The walls where our pictures used to hang. "I hope your happy Mase, love you longtime." I whisper before placing my keys on the coffee table and walking out the room. Time to continue my life, even if it wasn't how I had planned. I took a last deep breath looking around the hallway before opening the front door for the last time. "I'll miss you forever, but now you are just memories." I said before closing the door and making my way quickly to the car. "You okay love?" My mum asked as I sat in the passenger seat. I shook my head, "I don't think I will be again mum, not fully but I'll get there." I whisper before leaning my head on the window looking at the house I would always miss. "Can we go? Mason will be back anytime now." I say to my mum. I hear her sigh before starting the car. This was it, the final goodbye...

Mason mount one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang