"You cant be..."

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Shit shit shit shit. This couldn't be happening. I was 16. We had been careful I could of sworn. I stared at the test that held two lines. What was I going to do?? I shoved the test in my bag leaving the school toilets. I needed to avoid him as much as possible before I broke down in tears. I was walking down the hallway with my head down. That was until I heard my name being called, "Tilly!!" I snapped my head around seeing my boyfriend making his way towards me. I forced a smile on my face. "You okay?  You look pale??" He asked me looking down at me. I nodded, "yea I just don't feel to good." I said pushing up on my tiptoes and kissing him. "Okay if your sure.." he whispered looking at me. "You still okay to come to mine after school??" He asked me grabbing my hand and pulling me towards our next class that we shared. I smiled and nodded, "of course Mase, I couldn't think of a better way to spend my time." I say rubbing my thumb against his hand. He smiled before pulling me into one last kiss. "Okay I will meet you out the front okay??" He asked me as we pulled away. I smiled and nodded before slowly walking over to my seat. I knew I had to tell him when we got to his. I needed all the support I could get, my mum and dad were so strict so I knew I would be disowned as soon as they found out.
2 hours later
We had finally got to mases house and went upstairs. "Mase I'm just going to the toilet." I said as I placed my bag down and grabbed a pair of my leggings and one of masons hoddies. "Okay princess, do you have that homework for maths??" He asked me before I walked out. "Yea it's in my bag help yourself." I said before looking myself in the bathroom. I got my self dressed before taking a deep breath. Everything was going to be okay. I walked out putting my hands in the front pocked of the jumper I was wearing. "Mase I have something to te..." I looked up to see mason staring at the test in his hand. "Your pregnant??" He asked me. I was shaking and I felt tears start to fill my eyes. I nodded, "I was just about to tell you." He nodded and looked down. "You can't be, we have been so careful.." he whispered running his hands over his face. "I know..." I whispered sitting on the edge of his bed. "I'm scared Mase." I whispered starting to cry making mason look up at me and rush over. He pulled me onto his lap. "Hey its okay baby, we can sort this" he whispered into my hair. "I'm 16 Mase, you just turned 17 you have your football. What are we going to do??" I whispered putting my head on his shoulder. I felt him kiss the top of my head. "What do you want to do baby?? I know we are young but I truly think we could do this. And yes my football makes it hard but I love you." I looked up at him shocked. We have been together for 3 years but had never said it. "I love you as well mase so so much. I want to keep it. I knew that's what I was going to do. Is that okay??" I asked his quietly scared for his reaction. He pulled me in for a kiss. "Of course, I couldn't imagine anything better than that Tils." I smiled and launched myself into his arms making him laugh. "We need to tell someone so that they can help us baby." Mason said after us laying in each others arms for a while. "My parents are going to kick me out i know it." I whispered playing with a string on masons jumper he was wearing. "How do you know that my love??" He asked still playing with my hair. "They told me after I mentioned going on the pill. They said if I got pregnant I would be out." I whispered wiping a tear that fell. "Okay what about my parents. They love you more than they love me?" Mason questioned. I nodded, "okay, let's go." I said standing up. Mason looked shocked at me. "Now??" He questioned. I laughed at his reaction and pulled him up to stand. I kissed him before pulling away, "yes before I change my mind" i turned around before his arms wrapped round my stomach kissing my neck. "I'm so proud of you." He whispered in my ear making my stomach flip. I blushed and pulled away taking his hand to go downstairs. We got into the living room where Debbie was sat on the sofa drinking a cup of tea. She looked up hearing our footsteps. "Hey Tilly darling, are you both okay you look like you have been crying." She said confused looking at both me and mason. Mason pulled me to sit next to him. "Umm mum don't be angry." He started fiddling with my hands that were on his lap. "Tilly's pregnant isn't she??" Debbie said suddenly making both me and mason to look at each other in shock. She laughed at us, "you guys aren't that slick. I'm a mum I know everything." I looked at her with a smile on my face before it faded. "I'm so sorry Debbie" i say starting to cry. She stood up quickly before rushing over to me and pulling me into a hug. "Don't apologise darling, it's an accident. I'm assuming you have decided what to do." Me and mason look at each other and nod. "Mum we want to keep it. We want to be parents." He said grabbing hold of my hand and kissing the back of it. She smiled, "I thought so, I know you mum Tilly and I hate to say this but she isn't going to be happy." She said sitting down next to me. I sniffled, "I know. She's going to kick me out." I say starting to cry. "How about we don't tell her until we have sorted the first scan and then I will come with you and so can mason." I nodded and they both hugged me. I started crying but not sad tears happy tears. I thought I was going to lose him but here I am being comforted by both.

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