"I got lost in your eyes"

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"I can't believe you dragged me to this." I moan as I sat in the seats next to my brother. "Well Declan invited me and I needed a plus one and you were the only one available." My brother replied. I gasped, "so your telling me I've been dragged to this and I wasn't even first pick!" I placed my hand on my heart. "How could you?" I asked pretending to be upset. "Oh shut up Ava." He mumbled already getting fed up of me. "Can you explain who I'm meant to be supporting please? You know I don't get football." I asked my brother completely clueless of what was going on, on the pitch in front of me. "Yea the boys in white." My brother quickly replied before going back to shouting at the ref at something he had done. I took a deep breath before lowering further in my seat already bored.
After 90 minutes of shouting, asking what was going on and secretly enjoying myself the fame was finally over. "So explain what's going to happen now?" I ask my brother as I watched everyone else start to leave whilst my brother made no attempt to move. "Well dec invited me here so we wait until the players are ready and then we can go speak to him." He said to me like it was obvious. "Oh, I'm going to go to the toilet then." I said wanting to stand up for a bit. I made my way to the toilet. Once I was finished i touched up my hair and makeup before making my way back out. I bumped into my friend Sacha from modelling and started to chat with her. "Babe it was really good seeing you but I'm going to see jack now is that okay?" She asked before dismissing herself. I smiled and nodded at her before reaching for my phone out of my pocket and walking down the stairs whilst replying to some messages. That was until I bumped into someone. "Oh my god I'm so sorry..." I started before I looked up and saw the best looking boy there. "No it was my fault I'm sorry." He said before picking up my phone and handing it to me. He looked me up and down before staring into my eyes. I felt my cheeks turn to a crimson colour. "Umm are you okay?" I asked after a little bit of time had passed. "Oh yea I'm sorry I got lost in your eyes. My names mason." He said with a smile holing his hand out. I smiled at him, "I'm Ava" I said shyly. "Well Ava want to go on a date with me?" He asked confidently. I looked at him to try and see if he was being serious. I smiled at him, "of course."
"And that was how I met your dad" I told my twin girls who were looking at me intensely. "Wow that's so cute." They said to each other before taking off outside. I sighed. Thank god my brother took me to that game.

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