"He doesn't need me anymore.."

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I stared at the message for hours. Ben wouldn't lie to me who he? Maybe he is right, if mason missed me as much as I missed him then maybe I should go. Me and mason had dated for 2 years before we decided to spilt. It was somewhat mutual. We both knew we weren't as happy as before and it wasn't working anymore but what I thought was going to be a break to work through it mason didn't see the point and said we should just leave it. I was heartbroken. I knew mason was my soulmate. Nobody had made me as happy as he did, even at the end. I take a deep breath before lifting my phone to answer Ben.
Keira please come to the game. Mason needs you as much as you need him.
I'll be there.
I took a deep breath. This was it. The first time I would see mason in a month, the longest we had been apart since we got together. I got ready before heading the bridge where ben had promised Sofia and Cartia would meet me out the front. My breath picked up as I got closer to the place that held so many memories. I was broken out of my trance but Sofia calling me name waving me over. We had become close as soon as the boys introduced us same with Cartia. "Hey girls." I say as they both brought me into a hug. I hadn't seen anyone since it happened wanting to be alone to reflect and be sad by myself. "I'm back, I'm sorry I cut you both off I just needed time." I whispered trying to hold back tears. They both hugged me assuring me it was alright before we went to go find our seats in Kai's box. We watched the first half of the game it being slightly boring work neither teams scoring. At half time I finally brought up my fear, "what if he doesn't want me here? Or that he's angry I'm here?" I asked chewing on my nails like I did when I was nervous. "That's stupid, mason loves you always will, I bet he will glad your here." Sofia said with Cartia agreeing. "I hope your right." I mumbled to myself before watching the second half get under way. I wasn't really paying attention to nervous before I heard people gasp. I watched as mason got the ball right in front of goal before scoring. Me, Cartia and Sofia all celebrated together making me think of all the times I did this as his girlfriend. That was until my stomach dropped. I watched as he ran to the direction of his box right next to the one I was in and blow a kiss at a girl who sat there with his shirt on. I heard Sofia and Cartia gasp. "We are so sorry we didn't know.." Sofia started as Cartia pulled me into a hug. My heart felt like it was shattered. He really didn't need me anymore. As the game came to a close I felt myself closer to tears. "Girls I need to go, I can't see him." I said as we waited in the family bar after the game. "Please don't, Ben wants to see you so bad. He missed you Keira, we all did." Cartia said holding my hand making me nod. I watched as players slowly came and inter-grated themselves into the groups before seeing Ben walk over to me and Cartia. Sofia had gone to Kai after a lot of reassuring from me. He kissed Cartia before pulling me into a hug. "I'm so sorry kie, honestly he hadn't said anything about her until after the game." He pulled away and j gave him a sad smile. "It's okay, he doesn't need me anymore and that's okay." I whisper trying to convince myself more than the others as Ben kissed the top of my head. "Should us three get out of here? Go get some food and go back to mine?" I nodded wanting nothing more than a distraction. We were walking out the room Ben and Cartia behind me. I looked to my left seeing him making me stop. He was stood behind her hugging her with a massive smile on his face. Probably the happiest I had seen him for months. I felt tears start to full as Cartia slowly stated to guide me forward by my shoulders before pulling me into a hug. "I'm so so sorry." She whispered as her and Ben hugged me to try and calm my sobs down. "It's just hit me, it's really over.." I whispered. "All thar time together and be replaced me in a month?!" I say. "I'm sorry kie." Ben says swinging his arm over my shoulders as we began to walk. "You will be okay." Cartia said as we neared the car. I nodded and gave her a small smile. Although I wasn't sure I believed her...

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in ages I had a massive sport exam but I'm back now. Any requests let me know and I'll try my best

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