"But i picked you!!"

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I sat on the sofa waiting for my boyfriend to arrive. Well I wasn't sure if he was still my boyfriend after the argument we had last night that resulted in him storming out and staying at Declan's last night. I met mason last year through work but we didn't get together until 4 months after. Last night I had found messages on his phone from his ex. Sure he didn't really entertain them but he was still answering her and using nicknames. I was broken out of my daydream when keys rattled in the door. I sigh hearing mason take of his shoes before walking into the room. Mason had never made me feel uncomfortable until this moment. "Alright?" He asked in a cold voice which made me roll my eyes. "Yea great" I replied sarcastically. "Aren't you going to say anything about last night?" I asked him after getting fed up of waiting. He sighed before sitting on the sofa making sure to keep some distance between us.
"I didn't cheat." He started making me want to cry. "I didn't say you had, I'm just trying to tell you that it makes me feel uncomfortable knowing you are talking to her in that flirty kind of way" I said quietly. I look up to see mason run his hands through his hair like he does when he's frustrated. "You are just being insecure faith. I promise I love you." Mason said firmly. "It might be me being insecure but don't you understand why? Would you be okay with me messaging my ex and using nicknames and flirting?" He scoffed, "of course I wouldn't but she needed me, her grandad has just died and I knew him, I didn't want her being sad." He said. I laugh at him, "see you wouldn't like me doing it but it's okay for you? Mase that's double standards. I'm scared okay? I'm scared you will decide you like her more than and go back to her." I said trying not to shout. "But I chose you!! I chose you when we first met!" Mason shouted back. "I don't want to be your first choice cos that sounds like you have other options. I want to be your only choice. I don't want to lose you." I sniffle trying not to cry. Masons eyes immediately softened and he came over to me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry, I understand now. I'm not going anywhere. I love you and only you. I will stop messaging her. I'm not making you feel like this again" he said into my hair. I pull away and look at him, "your not going to leave me are you?" I asked. He shook his head, "never I love you to much." I nod and snuggle my head further into his chest. "I love you to Mase. I'm sorry for maybe overreacting o just don't want to lose you ever." "You won't faith I promise." He said holding his pinky out. I link mine with his. "Pinky promise." We said at the same time.

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