Level 6 - Lights Out

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Izuku entered, what he assumed to be, the next level. However, there was a slight problem, it was filled with unending darkness. The void swallowed the boy, as he began his journey through yet another level.
He opened his backpack and took out the flashlight he found in the crate, while he was in Level 1. Izuku turned it on and to his surprise, nothing happened, which was weird because the flashlight was fully functional and charged.

"Shit..." Izuku cursed quietly after hiding the tool back in his backpack. He walked forwards and fairly quickly he face planted a wall. "What's up with all those pipes? Why are they in so many levels?"

The greenette studied the wall and the pipes attached to it at the top. It wasn't anything special, just a big block of concrete with metal pipes on it. Izuku put his arm on the wall and walked alongside it to avoid going back and forth to the place he started from.

Izuku was never really scared of the dark, but god damn, he was panicking right now. The only thing he could hear were his footsteps and some kind of a liquid flowing through the pipes. Then, suddenly he heard a faint laugh, echoing through the hallways.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" Izuku muttered as he looked to the source of the sound. He quickly realised that it's source was just a metal pipe. "What is going on...?".

The greenette continued to wander through the level, now hearing a lot more things. He started to imagine water bursting out of the pipes and flooding the level, but this scenario never really happened. His mind bombarded with hallucinations started to create fake voices in the boy's head, making him even more stressed.

"Calm... down... Calm... down... Calm down..." Izuku muttered trying to escape the endless chaos that his mind created. "Calm down.               Calm down.             Calm down.           Calm down. It's gonna be okay. It's not true. It's all fake. It's okay, It's okay, I'm okay."

Well, his sanity was hanging by a thread from completely shattering. He walked through the the pitch dark hallways for who knows how long. The silence filling the room was too noisy. The lack of any sound was unbearably loud for the poor boy, fighting with his own mind.

He walked and walked, not even noticing that his body was extremely tired after countless hours of somewhat intense activity. Izuku didn't even register a wire on the floor as his leg tangled itself with it and he fell down on the cold floor. That was the last thing he saw before succumbing into a very needed sleep.

Level 6.1 - The Snackrooms
(aka The Backrooms Heaven)

Izuku opened his eyes and quickly jumped up. To his surprise, he wasn't in the complete darkness, but instead he was greeted with a bar counter filled with snacks and drinks. He looked around and noticed a weird logo on the wall with "M.E.G" written below.

Izuku quickly decided to try if the food was edible and stuffed a small cupcake in his mouth before swallowing it.

"Finally..." The boy said, before tears started to pour from his eyes on the floor. "It's been so long since I've eaten something like this"

Izuku rested for a while and regained his composure. He took as much food as he could and put it in his backpack along with the drinks. After he made sure he was ready, he opened a rusty, metal door and went back to the pitch black horror. Later, he decided to call his rest place Level 6.1.

AN: I wrote the chapter, yay :)

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