Level 4 - Abandoned Office

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Izuku entered the office or as he called it, Level 4. This level was filled with rain sounds, which didn't help the poor boy's sanity.

He looked around, quickly noticing that this level was different than the others. Of course, the previous levels were different than other ones, but none of them had windows. He looked through one of them, only too see a normal looking landscape. The catch is, that it never stopped raining, even for a second.  The clouds were colourful, they looked like the leaves during Autumn. It looked like this place had seasons, which Izuku found very weird.

'Why is an Office level the only one that has seasons?' Izuku thought, looking at the orange clouds above.

This level was called 'Office', however it didn't look like a typical office. The building was empty, devoid of any furniture. Izuku hoped that this level was also devoid of entities, since he was tired of running for his life on daily basis. He wandered through the level, stumbling across some other rooms. One of them looked like a casual workrooms. The greenette looked around to check if anything was here, before laying down on the floor. He decided to risk it and take a long needed nap. The rain sounds quickly making him relax and fall asleep, his body resting after the events that occurred in previous levels.

Izuku woke up and stood up. He knew that staying in one level wasn't a good idea, because he needed to find a way back to his home. The green haired boy explored the level further. He soon found a room with computers in it. Izuku was sceptical, but he pressed the power button, expecting nothing to happen. To his surprise, the computer turned on. He browsed through and found some useful informations about the entities. Sadly, the informations were only about the levels and entities he already met before. However, he didn't find any information about the way back to home.

'Home?' Izuku thought. Sure, he had a house, but could he really call it his home?

'Do I really want to go back? I will just get abused and bullied again.' He thought. 'Maybe staying in The Backrooms isn't so bad...'

The Backrooms - the name Izuku gave to the whole place, including every level and entity.
Of course, the opposite of the Backrooms would be The Frontrooms.

The Frontrooms - Izuku gave this name to the real world.

'Is it really a good idea to search for the exit? Do I have a reason to go back?' He thought.

"Well, staying here isn't going to help either, so I should search for the exit." Izuku muttered before going back into the exploring. He passed through the countless rooms, corridors and windows. After some time, Izuku wasn't sure how much time has passed, since his phone's clock didn't work properly, he entered yet another room that had computers inside.

He learned about most of the entities' weaknesses and appearances, but he didn't trust those documents at all. Of course, they could be legitimate, but on the other side, there could be an entity that wrote them to confuse the wanderer.

After, what he presumed were hours, Izuku heard a sound. It wasn't like any of the entities he known, so he decided to check where it came from. The source were the ornately-decorated doors, emanating the disquieting classical music.

Izuku assumed, that this was the entrance to Level 5.

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