Part 14- The Gaunt Party (i)

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Trigger Warning- this part may include themes others find upsetting.

Cressida POV

Time was marching forward fast, 2 keeper trials down and then Christmas break was upon us. Sebastian and Ominis had opted to stay at Hogwarts until the Gaunt Party on the 27th December. Sebastian would then go to Feldcroft to ensure Anne was up for our visit and we would be joining him there the next day. As the party got closer, Ominis became more fidgety and jumpy. Myself and Sebastian took it in turns to comfort him but we could tell returning to his parents was a cause for anxiety. We spent a lot of time together in the room of requirement, doing what we needed and relaxing in one another's company. Deek popped in at times but he mostly kept busy in the kitchens, fetching food and drinks for us all. The day of the party arrived, I was on the upper balcony of the room, staring at the green velvet dress Ominis had purchased for me.

"It's going to look beautiful on you." I turned and smiled at Sebastian as he walked over to me. He took the strands of my hair inbetween his fingers. "Your hair is getting longer again."

"Oh." I reached up and felt the hair that now hit the top of my shoulders. "I haven't had time to go back and get it cut again."

"It looks good long." He moved his hand to my cheek and stroked over a faint scar with his thumb. My breath hitched as I turned fully to face him, I grabbed the lapels of his winter coat. He must be ready to leave. "These trials you're doing, they're dangerous aren't they?"

"They can be, but it's nothing I can't handle." I responded as his other hand came up to cup the other side of my face, I closed my eyes as I felt our lips meet. I trembled with the feather light touch his lips made, I moved my hands up to his face as his found rest at the small of my back. His lips became more demanding as I pulled him closer to me, he used his height and strength to guide me back to the bed, lifting and lowering me gently onto my back. As he stood back up he threw off his coat and quickly dispatched of his waistcoat and shirt, returning to the bed and capturing my lips once more. My hands moved to his shoulders, had he gotten broader over the past few months? I traced my fingers down to his biceps and let them rest against his forearms.

"May I?" He broke away from the kiss and placed a hand against the buttons on my blouse. I nodded, too unsure that words would not come out if I tried to speak them. He carefully undid the fabric and threw it off the bed before returning to our kiss. His bare hands on my torso, exploring me and holding me. I ran my hands over his back as he deepened the kiss, his movements more frantic. His hand scooped under my back and brushed my scars. The room went black.

I was back in my father's house, in the kitchen, his belt cutting my skin. Then came the overwhelming smell of alcohol as his friend was pushing me against the wall, forcing kisses and tearing my clothing off me.

"STOP!" I screamed out. Sebastian jumped up and away. I clutched at my chest, breathing heavily, gasping, praying for air to fill my lungs.

"Cress." Sebastian placed his hands on my shoulders. "Just breathe. You're ok." The scent of pine began to flood my senses, my mind filled with the moments we had shared and I found my breathing slow down. 

"Sorry, I-" I felt tears begin to fill my eyes as I looked at Sebastian's face.

"It's ok, you're ok." He wiped the tears away. "I promise you, Cress, we've stopped. Here." He handed me his pyjama shirt, I quickly pulled it over my head. "What happened?"

"I saw something from my past, something unpleasant." I said, barely whispering. 

"Ok, it's not happening now." Sebastian pulled his shirt on and wrapped his arms around me hugging me against him. "This is all at the pace you are comfortable with and I'm sorry you've been through things in your past that make this scary for you." I snuggled into him. "I've got you Cress, I will never hurt you." I nodded against his chest and wiped the rest of my tears away. 

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