Part 4- Hogsmeade

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Ominis POV

I could tell by the unnatural shuffle of his gait that something was off. 

"Sebastian, what's wrong?" I made my way towards him, wand up helping guide me. 

"Prewett..." His voice sounded cold, full of anger.

"What did Prewett do to you?" I reached my hand out, catching the front of his robes before tracing the line of his chest up to his face. He jerked away from me. "Did he hit you?" I reached for his face again. "Sebastian! I cannot see! For Merlin's sake, answer me!" My voice rose louder as I became upset and heightened at his persistent silence.

"Ominis, calm." He grabbed my hand in his and I let him guide me back into the undercroft again. "Let's just sit down, I'll explain it all then." I feel as he pushes me towards something, I reach with my other hand, a box big enough to sit on. I sank down onto it, I could hear Sebastian moving another box, presumably for him to sit on himself. I held my hand out and he grabbed it in his, I could feel the tension in his body, he was angry, frustration was wracking his mind and body. 

"Talk to me." I kept my voice soft but firm as I allowed my fingers to carefully trace up from his hand to his face again.

"-ah!" Sebastian winced and pulled back slightly as my fingers brushed his chin, I could tell it felt swollen. "Prewett was being an ass, I hit him, he hit me back. OW!" My hand moved up from his chin to his cheekbone, it was inflamed and hot to the touch. "Sharp arrived, stopped us and now I have detention."

"I thought the duelling club was for fights with magic." I pulled my wand from my side, keeping my thumb on his cheek as I steadied myself. "Stay still, I can fix this up." I felt Sebastian tense up. "Episkey."

"Argh!" There was an audible popping noise as I felt his cheek and jawline align itself properly again and the swelling reduce. 

"How's that?" I asked, unsure if I had made it better or worse. It's times like this I miss Anne even more. She was much better at fixing Sebastian up as well as give him a talking to about fighting.

"Better, thank you Ominis." I felt his hand curl around my wrist as he guided it to his lip, I could feel it was split. "Can you..?" He trailed off, I could tell he was hurting and embarrassed to be asking. 

"Of course." I raised my wand once more. "So tell me, what was Prewett doing to make you throw the first punch?" I allowed myself a moment to trace the outline of his lips with my thumb, the sudden want to have his lips on mine popped into my mind, I pushed it out. "Episkey."

"Well, I had just duelled him with Cress, we won by the way." I could feel his face soften and curl into a smile under my fingers. Just thinking of her brought him joy. I envied her. "While celebrating I got close to Cress." I pulled my hand back from his face in a sudden jerking movement. "And, well, Cress needed to leave quickly before anything could really happen. Prewett saw the whole thing and implied Cress would prefer to do that with him so I hit him..."

I stood, gripping my wand tightly, unable to believe what I was hearing.

"Ominis, what's wrong?" I heard Sebastian stand.

"Nothing." I said, my voice full of venom. How could he do this? He met her today and he's already getting hurt over her. I headed towards the exit of the undercroft.

"Ominis wait." Sebastian's hand came to grab my arm. "Why are you leaving so suddenly?"

"I'm tired." I shook his hand off and continued to walk away. He grabbed my shoulder from behind me. "GET OFF ME." I wrenched my shoulder forwards, swinging my wand round and feeling for Sebastian's position. "You run off with her, get hurt then come to me to look after you all the while all you care about is planning how to spend more time with her!"

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