Part 1- Arrival at Hogwarts

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Disclaimer- this fiction is based on the characters and storyline from the Hogwarts Legacy game. Of you do not want spoilers from the game please don't read.
Mature themes throughout and parts with content that could cause distress will come with a trigger warning.
Have fun and happy reading!- Lulu

Cressida POV

Cressida stood at the entrance to the main hall of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry out of breath and damp from the rain outside. Her long, wavy, blonde hair stuck to her freckled cheeks. Professor Fig turned to her "Let's get you dressed more appropriately before you enter the main hall to be sorted."
With a wave of his wand Cressida dried off and her robes took on the form of the Hogwarts uniform. Before she could thank the professor the doors to the main hall swung open. In front of her stood a tall gentleman with a black goatee and black hair. He sneered down his nose at Professor Fig. "You're late, the sorting ceremony is already over."

"Ah, Headmaster." Fig spoke up, looking sheepish. "We ran into an issue on the way in, you see we were attacked by a dragon and..."

"I don't have time for your nonsense Fig!" Came the Headmaster's sharp reply. "You, follow me, let's get you sorted." I looked at Professor Fig, he ushered me forward. Urging me to follow the Headmaster into the main hall. As I walked down the central isle after him, the chatter in the hall fell silent. I looked around to find all the students staring at me. Feeling a lump begin to form in my throat I swallowed it back down. A lady with brown hair pulled into a bun and in glasses was standing at the end of the hall. An old tatty wizards hat in her hands. 

"Professor Weasley, we have one more to be sorted." The Headmaster waved a hand in my direction. I walked up to the stool in the centre of the stage and took a seat.

Ominis POV

"You know I can hear you right?" I turned my head to the left. Darkness swarmed my vision but the heavy thuds of Sebastian's walk announced his presence to me. 

"Ah Ominis, still as perceptive as ever." Hearing my closest friend's voice float across to me, I felt a pang of guilt. There should be two sets of footfalls, not just one.

"Well Sebastian, if you didn't sound like a graphorn storming towards me, you might be able to surprise me." I waved my hand in front of my face. Darkness ever apparent.

"Well I find that rather rude. Graphorn's don't have my good looks." I felt an arm drape around my shoulders. "Come on now. It's almost time for the welcome feast and I for one cannot wait to lay eyes on this new 5th year!"

"Hmm, yes." I remembered Sebastian go on about this new student on the train ride to school. He was adamant that they must possess some insane powers to be admitted in their 5th year, I wasn't too fussed, I was too busy fixating on the emptiness I was feeling without Anne to balance out her brother's boisterous nature. "It will be interesting to hear what the sorting hat will make of them and which house they will be sorted into."

"Imagine if they are a Slytherin!" I could feel the excitement rolling off Sebastian as he said this. Suddenly his weight lifted from my shoulders, I heard him walk away from me. "Come on then."

I raised my wand, the pulses it sent out reverberating around the room. I made my way to the main hall with Sebastian. The hustle and bustle of all the students caused the air to vibrate around me. My wand pulses becoming more irregular. 

"Sebastian-" I found myself cut off as something crashed into the back of my shoulder. 

"Oi- watch it!" A familiar voice floated into my ears- Garreth Weasley. "Oh, it's you, sorry Gaunt." 

"Hey!" Sebastian's voice comes from my left, I reach my hand out. "Be careful!" He says sternly to Garreth. I feel as he grabs my hand, pulling me along the corridor until the air changes, it feels less restricted, we must have entered the main hall. Sebastian guided me to our table and made sure I sat down, I feel him slide into the space next to me. Many voices overlap within the hall, most chatting about the mysterious new 5th year. I turned to Sebastian.

"I don't get why everyone is so obsessed with this new student." I hear as a few people nearby let out sounds of discontent at my words.

"Well, we shall have to see what they are like." Sebastian's voice floated above the interference. "Who knows, they could complete our trio since... well you know." I could hear the pain underneath his attempt at making light of the fact Anne isn't with us. I placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. 

"Alright students, silence." Headmaster Black's voice came booming out across the hall, commanding silence from the students. "Let us begin our sorting ceremony, please welcome the new students." 

I heard many steps, light and hesitant enter the hall. Professor Weasley began to call names and the sorting hat got to work on the 1st years. 

"Well, have you spotted them?" I asked Sebastian who I could feel fidgeting next to me.

"No, all these students appear to be first years, I wonder where they are." He sounded disappointed. I turned my attention back to the ceremony. The final student was called and sorted. Then I could hear the Headmaster's footfall headed to the back of the main hall.

"What's happening?" I prodded Sebastian in the side.

"Ouch." He hissed at me. "Black's gone out the hall for some reason."

"Without announcing anything?" I raised my wand in the direction the Headmaster went in. I picked up on the vibrations of 3 people, One I recognised as Professor Fig. "Look's like the new student has arrived after all."

Sebastian POV

I looked from Ominis to the door at the back of the hall. Always in awe at how he can pick up on so much despite being blind. Surely enough, Black came striding back into the hall. The chatter that had started died down once more as everyone became focussed on the student following behind him. A girl who looked to be our age followed behind Black, her eyes trained on the floor as she walked towards the stage. She had long wavy blonde hair and a face covered in freckles. I couldn't see her eyes from this angle but my chest felt tight. Who was she?

She took a seat on the stool. Everyone watching her intently. 

"Hmmm." The hat came to life on her head. "You're not from a family I'm familiar with. I can see great potential and power flowing through you. Ambition and drive, better make it... Slytherin!"

Cheers erupted from our table. I sat stunned and silent. 

"What's wrong?" Ominis's voice brought my attention back and I began to clap. 

"Nothing, just didn't expect her to be placed in our house." I swallowed down the uneasy feeling in my throat. "She looks too innocent for us."

End of part 1

Hey all, hope you enjoy the shifting POV! It's a challenge to write a blind character but I enjoyed doing it. Please let me know what you think. The first few parts will be set ups for the latter stuff. Hope you enjoy it!- Lulu

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