Part 14- Feldcroft (ii)

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I'm baaaaaack- Lulu xoxo

Cressida POV

Light spilled in through the open curtains of Omi's bedroom. My eyes blinked a few times, getting used to the brightness in the room around me. I hadn't noticed last night but the windows were actually large double doors leading to a balcony. It looked like something out of a fairy-tale, but masked the horrors he must have suffered within these walls. I looked over to Omi, his face was peaceful as he slept, he still had his arms wrapped around me as we lay there. It wasn't often that I woke up first. I smiled a moved my hand up to gently brush his hair back, his hand came up and gripped my wrist, a playful smile on his lips as he kept his eyes closed and moved my hand to his lips. He kissed each of my fingertips before turning my hand over and kissing my knuckles, our fingers intertwined as he pulled our arms to the side. Pulling me flush against his chest and on top of him.
"Good morning Cressida." He slowly opened his eyes, still smiling.
"Good morning Ominis." I returned the smile and lowered my head allowing our lips to touch, soft and gentle as I placed lots of little kisses against his lips, cheeks and jaw. He chuckled under me causing me to rock about on top of him.
"Omi! Stop moving!" I laughed as I became more unsteady. He wrapped his arms around my waist and sat up.
"What do you say we skip breakfast and head straight to Feldcroft?" He motioned toward the balcony doors as he said this.
"I think that sounds like a splendid idea." I replied, giving him another quick kiss before hopping out of the bed and getting myself dressed in my casual clothing for the day. I turned to see Omi was fumbling with his shirt, I quickly made my way round the bed to help him get dressed.
"Thank you Cress." He chuckled and placed his hand over mine as I finished the last of his buttons. "If we go to the balcony we'll be able to dissaperate straight to Feldcroft."
His voice was calm and soft as he spoke, I could feel his urgency to leave this place.
"Alright." I moved away from him as I spoke, grabbing our satchels and taking his over to him. Ominis had retrieved his cane from the floor and pulled his wand free from it, raising it to guide his way to the doorway leading out to the balcony. With both our packs in place we exited the room.
As soon as we set foot on the balcony cold air hit us both, I shuddered as the chill to hold. Ominis reached out and grabbed my hand, rubbing his thumb in circles over the back of my hand.
"Let us leave this place, now." He spoke plainly as he raised his wand and we rushed from this place.

Sebastian POV
"Boy!" Solomon's voice cut through the small cottage I called home. "Is lying around being an eyesore all you know how to do?!" He bellowed as he ripped back the sheer curtain which sectioned my bed off from Anne's.
"Good morning uncle, what has you so riled this day?" I pinched the bridge of my nose as I sat upright, a thudding ache in my head from lack of decent sleep. Anne cried out all hours of the night, her curse wreaking her body causing her to scream out. I woke each time, fetched water and held her hand. All the while Solomon slept through it. It made my blood boil, how could he sleep while she suffered.
"Your sister has been up hours tending the vegetable patch while you laze around in bed!" He roughly grabbed the scruff of my shirt and yanked me to my feet. I stumbled into the middle of the house. "Now get out and make yourself useful!" Too tired to argue I grabbed my jacket and pulled on my shoes, quickly exiting the house. I looked to the garden but Anne was no where to be seen. Instead I headed on out of Feldcroft to a Grove of trees, there I set about trying to find a Shrivelfig tree. I had read about their healing properties and whilst it might not cure Anne's curse, it should grant her some reprieve to sleep without pain. It took a few hours but I found the correct tree and harvested one of the fruit. It smelt awful but I tucked it in my pocket. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I spotted Ominis's snowy white owl approaching. I reached up and pulled the letter from its beak, ripping it open and gazing over the words written. Cressida's writing.
"They're here!" I said to myself, barely containing my glee as I left the Grove and headed back into town. I ran up to the small look out post erected following the recent goblin attacks. I scanned the town centre and out to the fields that were all around the town, within seconds I spotted Cress and Omi making their way to the towns boundary. I ran down the ramparts and straight towards them. 

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