Part 9- An ominous letter

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Sebastian POV

I watched as Cress re-emerged from behind the changing screen. She was in Ominis's spare clothes, she looked so cute. I looked to Ominis who had settled to the left of me, he was still slightly flushed, Cress approached the right hand side of me and climbed in. I lay on my back, initially unsure of how I should act in the situation. Just as I was about to move I felt Ominis's hand reach across and grab mine, he was lay on his side, facing me. I turned my head to Cress, she was facing away from me but as I reached my hand out and touched her she rolled over.
"What is it?" She whispered to me, I could tell her eyes were wide open despite the darkness.
"You don't have to face away and sleep on the edge of the bed you know." I whispered back to her. She shuffled closer but kept her back to me. I became increasingly aware of her tossing and turning almost constantly. I looked over to Ominis again, he was sleeping soundly, then again he was more used to sharing a bed than Cress is. I tried to settle myself, feeling very aware of the fact I was in the middle of them both. When Cress turned back onto her back I reached out to her with my right hand.
"Come here." I whispered, trying my hardest not to move my left arm which Ominis was still clutching.
"What-?" Cress, began to protest but I was past letting her roll around the bed all night. I placed my right arm under her, wrapping around her back and pulling her toward me so that her upper body was resting against my chest. "Seb-"
"Shhh." I silenced her, looking at her in the darkness, my heart hammering and myself attempting everything to stay calm. I could smell the scent of sea salt on her hair and lavender. I placed my arm round to the small of her back and pulled her in tightly. Her head relaxed onto my shoulder as she seemed to settle and accept the comfort I was offering. Within moments I heard her breathing get heavier as she drifted off to sleep. I found myself falling to sleep soon after, finally content and feeling surrounded by those I care about.
As I awoke, I felt warm and fuzzy. I tried to move but felt myself pinned down on my back. I looked down as the first light of the morning lit up the dorm room. Cressida was still snuggled up on the right side of my chest, at some point in the night Ominis had snuggled up to the left side of my chest and was snoring softly on my shoulder. His hand was extended over me and he had ahold of Cress's hand, their fingers intertwined as they both still slept. I let out a long sigh before resigning myself to being stuck under them both until they woke up. I can think of worse ways to wake up, though.

Cressida POV
Sebastian's heart was racing as my head lay on his chest. I noticed him holding hands with Ominis, they were so close, clearly he cares about him very much. I found sleep quickly after Sebastian pulled me onto his chest. I inhaled the scent of pine leaves as I drifted off to sleep. At some point in the pitch black of the dorm room I woke back up, hearing a pained cry and someone begging their father to stop. I blinked, slowly urging my eyes to work in the darkness. It was Ominis, he appeared to be having a bad dream. I reached across Sebastian with my right hand and shushed Ominis, stroking the side of his face, trying my best to soothe him. As soon as my hand made contact with his face I saw the wisps of ancient magic dance around his form in the darkness. His hand came up to mine and he gripped it tightly. I wove my fingers in-between his and he shuffled closer, placing his head on Sebastian's chest.
"Cress..." He murmured. My face was mere inches from his.
"I'm here." I responded breathily and as quiet as I could. His hand kept a tight grip on my own as I watched him fall back into a sound sleep. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep again too, secretly praying for the morning never to come.
My mind was muddled as my consciousness came back to me. There was noise in the room, it was bright, it must be morning.
"Good morning sleepy head." I looked up to see Sebastian looking down at me.
"Finally, she wakes!" I blinked before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. Ominis was sat up on the other side of Sebastian. "Did you sleep well?" He enquired.
"Yes, quite well thank you." I stretched and looked around their dorm room in the morning light. There were no outside windows, the ceiling just emulated the outside presentation of the sky. "What are the plans for today?" I looked over to Sebastian and Ominis.
"Not sure to be honest." Sebastian shuffled his way to the end of the bed, he hopped up and grabbed a letter up off the owl post stand in the room.
"Well it is the weekend, we could spend time doing our homework together and then wander the grounds?" I asked looking over at Ominis.
"That sounds like a good idea to me." He lifted his wand and rose to his feet. "Anything interesting in the post Sebastian?" I looked over to Sebastian, following Ominis's question. He was scowling at the letter in his hand. He crumpled it up and began to collect up some of his clothes.
"What's wrong Sebastian?" I asked, concerned by his sudden demeanour change.
"Nothing." He was clearly frustrated and annoyed at whatever had been written in the letter. I looked to Ominis, he shook his head and went to get clothes of his own.
"Perhaps you should get a change of clothing Cress." Ominis had a soft expression on his face. "We'll meet you out in the common room once we're dressed." I looked back at Sebastian who still looked incredibly cross.
"OK." I nodded and grabbed my uniform before raising my wand and casting disillusionment on myself.

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