Part 13- The Room of Requirement

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Cressida POV

I made my way to the 7th floor of the astronomy tower, unsure of what had prompted Professor Weasley from calling you up there. Had someone perhaps told her you weren't sleeping in your dorm room? Or were you falling more behind in your classes? As I reached my destination I called out, slightly out of breath from the quick walk I had taken to the meeting place.

"Professor Weasley?" There was no one around, perhaps this was a trick and Imelda was trying to get you "Somewhere away from prying eyes?" I uttered as panic gripped my chest and stomach. Frantically I turned, intent on leaving the corridor, but just as I did the wall caught the corner of my eye. There was a large spiraled door painting its way across the wall, indents becoming more pronounced as it took form. I stood frozen by my curiosity. Just what was this? 

"Forgive me, the headmaster stopped me and I-" I jumped at the sound of Weasley approaching me. "Merlin's beard! I see you've wasted no time, well done!" Her face softened as she caught sight of the door that had just appeared in front of me. I felt myself relax, grateful that it was in fact the Professor who had sent the owl. "Shall we?" She motioned for me to enter the room.

"A-after you Professor." I opened out my arm, trying to shake the remnants of fear that gripped my stomach. She didn't seem to notice or mind as she headed on through the doorway, I quickly followed her finding myself in a room much larger than I had anticipated. It was easily the size of the main hall and full of items pilled haphazardly on top of each other. 

"What is this place?" I breathed, astounded by the sight in front of me. 

"This is the 'Room of Requirement' it only appears when one is in real need of it." Professor Weasley was chuckling at my expression. "Ordinarily a student might stumble upon this room entirely by an accident- if ever." She began to walk away from me, I hurried to keep up with her, not wanting to get lost in the maze of mess. The professor continued to explain the room to me as we searched deeper in it for a house elf named Deek. Eventually we found our way to a large open space in the centre of the room, a small house elf in a palled shirt sat in a box, throwing items out, one came very close to hitting me.

"Yikes! Careful!" I called out to the creature. 

"Hmm..." The creature turned around, holding a large leather satchel. "Oh, there you are!" Unsure of whether the elf was talking to me or the bag I stood still. "Wait right there! Deek will come to you." I watched as Deek nimbly jumped down from his perch. "Hello!"

"Ah Deek, we've been looking for you." I turned to see Weasley was at my shoulder once again. The professor introduced me to Deek and explained that they had known each other since she was a second year student and that she thought I might be able to make good use of the room.  "Deek, would you be so kind?" 

"Of course Professor Weasley." Deek focused his attention on me. "Now, it's time to focus on what you need." He stood in front of me. "Just close your eyes, imagine the room precisely as you need it. The room will do the rest." I nodded and closed my eyes, picturing a room with a large skylight, areas to study with potions and herbology benches and a bed large enough for 3 to fit comfortably. I felt the room rumble and shake, shocked I opened my eyes again, everything was flying around the room. Both Deek and Weasley were smiling, I was positively terrified. The room resettled, it looked incredible in a main atrium was filled with lots of comfortable chairs and books lined all the walls, a corridor broke off left and I could see potions and herbology workbenches within it. A second level then opened up and upon it a huge 4 poster bed draped with green curtains settled up there.

"Quite the canvas you have given yourself to work with." Weasley squeezed my shoulder as she said this. She went on to teach me new spells to be able to further add things to the room and explained the expectations of me using it. She then turned back to me. "I had heard rumors that you were not sleeping in your dorm bed. Perhaps that is why a bed has appeared here?"

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