13 Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor

Start from the beginning

"Alright Fabian that's enough don't you think? Wouldn't want you to be too tired from chatting up my sister," James said with a hand on Fabian's shoulder and his grip tightening every moment he sat there by Ash.

"James," Ash distracts, "have you eaten properly?"

"Yes Ash," James sighs knowing what was coming after that and wanting to wrap up things quickly.

"Really? Because I happen to have a spell that can show me you ate two pieces of dry toast this morning. That isn't good for a growing boy of your-"

"Bye little sister, and I'm taking your little boyfriend with me," James grabs Fabian and all but tosses him over his shoulder before walking away.

"So when were you going to tell me you two broke up?" Regulus walks beside Ash.

"When it came up," Ash walked to the quidditch pitch, "How'd you know?"

"I know you. Plus you weren't snogging like mad as soon as you saw him. I bet you were surprised to hear his voice considering everytime he talked last year your lips would lock on his," Regulus smiles.

"That is not true, we talked all the time."

"Yeah but you snogged just as much."

"You'll be in the Ravenclaw stands today?"

"And there you go deflecting. Yes I will," Regulus smiles.

They hug and then head to there designated locations. Ash went to go and group up with her team mates. And before they knew it the game had begun.

Ash had been scoring goal after goal in the most extravagant ways possible. She was standing and doing flips and jumping off her broom as though she could fly. WHich in her animagus form she could. Her team mates and captain were very impressed, this type of flying hadn't come out in any of her previous games but they were here now and they were doing everything in their power to get the ball to Ash.

Remus watched the game, really watched it this time. Ash was making the sport very interesting more interesting than the Harry Potter book he had begun reading.

The only issue was he would get a wave of irritation every time the commentator made a flirty comment, which was a little too often. Another wave of irritation when Fabian would go out of his way to avoid hitting Ash or when he gave her longing glances, sometimes at the same time.

"Would you slow down for me love?" Sirius yells as he chases her around.

"Well you're a chaser aren't you? Why don't you just speed up and grab this quaffle?" Ash yells back and as soon as he's at her side she gets on his broom and throws it in to the goal.

"What?" was all Sirius managed before she was back on her broom and in possession of the quaffle again.

He was dumbfounded and she was smiling. "Can't block if you can't reach me," Ash flies off.

Fabian refused to hit a bludger at Ash, a detail that James did not miss. While he was appreciative Fabian wasn't pummeling his sister, he wasn't.

"You're gonna have to start actually being a beater Prewitt!" James yells.

And so in a series of events Ash who hadn't had any bludgers sent her way all game because of Fabian and Gideon, was knocked off her broom. She should have expected it considering bludgers were a huge part of quidditch but she hadn't failed to notice the lack of them heading her way throughout the game. Fabian thought the beater would deflect it. How could he not considering he was within reach of Ash. But the other beaters didn't and Ash, who shouldn't have had to duck in the first place, didn't duck.

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