40: May the Royal Challenge Begin

Start from the beginning

"You aren't qualifi-" Steiner began, but Geir cut him off with a firm stomp to the foot. His sentence turned to a cry of pain.

Geir smiled then grabbed Keld and Steiner. "They're all yours." With that, the three hunters took off back down the stone corridor and disappeared from sight.

That left me, Loki and Farbaudi in a very awkward silence.

It was broken by Farbaudi, who tried for a strained smile. "I know you probably have questions..."

"That's the understatement of the millennium." Loki snapped. "Starting with how in Helheim am I even biologically possible? I thought most giants can't shape shift, so unless one of you can secretly turn female..."

"I can answer all of your questions, I promise you." Farbaudi said quickly. "But this is not the place. Do you want food? You two must be starving."

Nice try. I have developed quite a knack for not eating for long periods of time, but at this point we needed both answers and a place to get off of our feet. My legs felt like they were made of lead.

"Yes, that would be lovely." I tried for my best diplomatic smile and looped my arm through Loki's. The whole 'pretend to be married' facade was already getting tiring, but it was what needed to be done.

He sighed and pulled me a little bit closer. The action made my stomach flutter. "Fine."

"Alright." Farbaudi sighed in relief. "Follow me." He turned on his heel and retreated in the direction he came from. Loki and I had to power walk to keep up with his massive strides.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

Farbaudi turned his head and smiled, revealing significantly better teeth than Leif had. "You'll see, little lady."

"I have a name, you know. I'm Freyja." I gave him my name.

"Freyja." The way he said it was strange. He put more emphasis on the 'Y' than on the other letters, and he seemed to growl the 'A'. "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet a Frost Giant with manners." I joked.

He chuckled. "I assume you aren't from around here?"

"Not quite."

"Then we must seem barbaric."

An involuntary shiver ran down my spine as I remembered the battle against the rogue Frost Giants all those years ago. Frey dying in front of me with a stab wound given to him by a Frost Giant not so different from Farbaudi. A large hand closed around my throat, ready to take my life...

I forced away the memories. "Slightly."

"Well, not all of us are slobs." He concluded. A passing giant gave me a lingering look before walking onward. Farbaudi and Loki both caught the expression on his face. "Also, Freyja, I don't recommend traveling anywhere unaccompanied."

"I don't plan on it." I glanced at Loki. "I've already got a pretty good body guard."

The tips of his ear turned a deeper shade of blue. "You're blushing." I taunted.

Your Majesty - Loki x OCWhere stories live. Discover now