"Babe," she said throatily, releasing me for just a second. "I have every intention of doing just that," and to my lasting joy, Becky Armstrong wasn't a liar.


I was dragged out of the shower by a hard pounding on the door and the sound of raised voices from the shared room of our suite. Reluctantly, we had abandoned the idea of a joint shower, knowing that it would be quicker and simpler to head into our own rooms and use our own bathrooms. In hindsight, it was another good idea in a series of good ideas.

"Where the fuck were you last night, Bec?" I heard Richie bellow from the joining room as I dried myself off.

"Where the fuck were you yesterday morning?" Becky retorted, sounding as angry as her brother.

"You know where I was. I was trying to get ready for last night's Gala, a fucking Gala you were supposed to attend."

I winced slightly. I'd forgotten about the fancy do Richie had planned for their clients in preparation for the Expo. I'd had little or nothing to do with it, James having managed the little amount of security that been needed. I kicked myself at missing it, I not only should have known, but should have reminded Becky when she suggested going out alone. 

I'm not her secretary, but it is part of my job to know her itinerary, and she had come to rely on me along the way.

"Well, I didn't feel like attending your fancy fucking Gala Richie. I had a long day and wanted to go out for food and some drinks and have an early night. Some of us didn't get to sleep the entire fucking day away. Some of us had to start a series of meetings on their own because the person that is supposed to be helping couldn't be assed!"

I quickly pulled on my working clothes, hoping to get out there and avoid world war three breaking out. As it happened, I was about thirty seconds too late.

"Now, now... guys, please...what on earth is the matter?"

I heard James' drawl as I pulled on my boots and relaxed slightly, knowing that, at least, a punch up was out of the question right now. The voices in the room lowered and I strained to hear them as I laced up my boots hoping that things were calmer. I opened my bedroom door to see Becky and Richie still squaring off, neither looking happy.

"Good morning," I said casually as I walked out into the suite, waving a hand at James who was lounging on one of the sofas.

"Morning, Freen, sleep well?" Becky asked, looking over at me.

"Like a log," I replied simply, lying through my back teeth. "I think I needed it, though. I didn't get much sleep on the flight over, and we had a fairly early start yesterday morning."

"You're looking better for it, Freen," James said his eyes glancing cheekily between Becky, Richie and myself. "You look almost human today."

"Thanks boss, I appreciate the vote of confidence," I replied grinning, spotting Becky smiling too out of the corner of my eye.

"You're welcome, Ma'am," James said standing up and bowing. "Anyway, I won't stay. I only called to see if y'all wanted to join me for breakfast?"

"That sounds good, James," Becky said glaring at Richie before looking away. "I'll go finish getting ready and I'll be right down."

"Wrong door, Bec," Richie said knowingly as Becky walked across the suite to her room. "I'm sure you left your things over that way."

Richie smirked at his sister as his eyes flicked across to me. Becky missed the look, but I'd caught it and unless I was very much mistaken, James had caught it, too. I had the sinking feeling that we had been utterly busted and I waited for the blow.

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