Chapter 17 - Beginning of the End.

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It was now about 3-4 weeks until the summer vacation. Harry and Draco had to use glamour on their bodies, since the markings were going up their necks, the lines circeling their jaws, as well as spreading over their torso, back and down their leg. It was still the same, spireling lines and paw prints, all over them. Sometimes they swore that the markings, were moving, but when they then looked, nothing was going on.

Draco had gotten more and more letters from his father, him and Snape having meetings about the letters, where Harry began to insist on being with them, since it was so often, and with the exams and school, the two rarely had any time together. Most of the teachers knew about their mating bond, but all refrained from telling Dumbledore, as he was one hell of a jackass.

Harry and Draco were on their way back to their room, after a long school day, when Fawks landed on Harry's shoulder with a letter in his beak. Harry sighed, closing his eyes as he looked at Draco. "Want me to come?" Draco asked and Harry nodded. "But you can't... Dumbledore will tell you to scram..." He said and then they both glanced around, before sharing a quick kiss and Harry went off with Fawks.

In just 2 weeks, Draco turned legal age. Meaning, 17. Neither of the two boys, could wait. 

Harry said the password and the spiralling stairs opened, before carrying him up to the office. He entered without knocking, stopping to let Fawks land on his stick. "Harry, I thought you knew how to knock. Or has the Slytherin house really been that bad an influence on you?" The old man asked and Harry rolled his eyes. "What do you want, ass hat?" He asked and Dumbledore hummed, nodding slowly. "Refrain from using words like that to me, Harry Potter." He said and then walked forward.

"You are to help me-" "I help who I want." "Harry will you just be quiet and listen, for once." Dumbledore sneered and Harry rolled his eyes, but did as asked. "Horcruxes." Harry shrugged. "You know what it is?" The old man asked and Harry sighed, crossing his arms. "Of course I bloody know what a horcrux is. I have Slughorn as a teacher. I bloody asked him out of a page in the book." He said and Dumbledore nodded slowly, before continuing.

"I have found 2 during my time of searching, only need 4 more. I have located one more of the four." Dumbledore explained and Harry finally walked over. Dumbledore took out the diary from the 2nd year of Harry being at Hogwarts, as well as a broken ring. "You broke one, I broke the other." He said and showed his hand, which was breaking and black. Harry furrowed his brows, but hummed and nodded to get on with it.

The older man walked to the front of his desk, leaning up it as he looked at Harry. "I need your help to enter the location to the one I have found. Will you help me?" Harry felt his scar and mark burn, making him clench his jaw and sigh. "I-" He wanted to say no... He wanted to go cuddle with his partner. But something told him to do this. He sighed and nodded. "Fine." He said and Dumbledore smiled a warm smile, a smile that would have fooled the ravenette back in his 2nd maybe 3rd year... And it did, but now. He knew too much.

"Excellent, let's go." Dumbledore then grabbed Harry's shoulder and apparated out of there.

-With Draco.-

He could feel that Harry was in distress, but knew that he would be when alone with Dumbledore. He decided that if it took more than 20 minutes, he would find his way up to the office and deal with the old crow. But before those 20 minutes were up... Draco was knocked out.

-Back with Harry and Dumbledore.-

The two stood on a cliff, heavy waves thrashing against the rocks around them, as well as the large mountain that they were staring at. "WE HAVE TO GET IN THERE!" Harry yelled to Dumbledore, who looked with furrowed brows at the younger man. "HOW'D YOU FIGURE?!" He asked and Harry rolled his eyes. "I CAN FEEL IT!- FEEL HIM!" He yelled back and Dumbledore nodded his head, apparating to the mountain, landing in a cave opening.

It looked dark and disgusting, black cliffs surrounding them, and the sound of waves echoing in the whole cave. Dumbledore lead Harry to a way too blank part of the cliff wall. "Parceltongue." Dumbledore said, a little louder than in a normal room, and Harry rolled his eyes, speaking in the snakes language so they could enter.

He laid his hand on the stone and was about to speak, but the rock fell apart, showing the entrance. Dumbledore stared at Harry in confusion, but slowly stepped inside. Harry on the other hand, gulped and looked at the hand of which he had used. The one with the dark mark right above on the wrist.

"Get in." Dumbledore said and Harry looked over, seeing the old man in an old wodden boat, to sail to the other side. It moved on its own when Harry got in, and Dumbledore let out a hum.They got to the bank of sand and rock, walking up a little side piece of a path, before getting to a bowl portrayed graciously on a pedestal or silver. "So... What now?" Harry asked and Dumbledore looked at Harry with a sigh. "I know that you are not particularly fond of me." He said and Harry scoffed. "That would be an understatement." He said and Dumbledore sighed. "Let me finish, Harry." Harry shrugged and gestured for him to continue.

Dumbledore sent him an unimpressed look and nodded. "But I need you to continue to give me the liquid in the bowl, even when my body give up... It is the only-" "Here." Harry said and handed the old man a locket from the bottom of the bowl. Dumbledores eyes widened. "How-" "I was thirsty. Now, I have just finished the last of my exams today, without getting a lot of sleep these last months. So, how about we skedaddle?"

Dumbledore was still staring at Harry in shock, but then the cave gave a rumble and Harry sighed, being really done with all of this. "What now!?" He asked and Dumbledore sighed. "The curse of this place, if you take the locket monsters will attack you." Harry shrugged and got out his wand... It felt weird in his hand, but it had to work for now.

It had felt weird for a while now, but he kept pushing it away to just being old. Dumbledore took out his wand as well, pocketing the amulet, which did not go unnoticed by Harry. "Why did you bring me here, exactly?!" He asked and aimed spells at the creatures that began to crawl up from the water... But his wand didn't work correctly.

"I don't speak Parceltongue, and if you had not drank all that water, I would have needed someone to hand it to me when I was at the brink of passing out." "So you thought, let me take the student who possibly hates me more than Voldemort himself!?" Dumbledore looked at the teen in shock. "Harry! What have you not been telling me?!" He yelled and cast spell after spell.

The mass of the monsters was getting too much. Harry threw his wand away and Dumbledore stared with wide eyes as he flicked his wrist and sparks came from his palm. "I'm stronger than I look." He said and then brought his hand to his lips, palm facing the ceiling of the cave, and he blew.

Fire spread itself through the entire cave, Harry calling out in Parceltongue for the creatures to reatreat and to make way.

Dumbledore pocketed his wand and gulped, staring at the boy with wide eyes. "Harry... We-" And then he collapsed, gasping for air. Harry sighed and grabbed his teachers shoulder, apparating off and to the tower.

"Here... Take some deep breaths." Harry informed his teacher, who nodded and sighed. "We need to... *Cough* Talk about what happened *Cough* back there." Dumbledore coughed out and Harry shook his head. "No we don't... You merely need to breathe and I will get some teachers. Hand over the locket." Harry said and held out his hand.

"You are in no state to destroy it." He said and Dumbledore reluctantly handed it over. "Be back in a moment." As Harry walked down the stairs to fetch someone, he heard running steps and dived into a space between some things, just in time... 'Draco...' He thought as he saw the blonde being dragged by Bellatrix. Snape and some other death eaters behind them. But Snape made eye contact with Harry and slowly placed a finger to his mouth, as if everything was in slow motion. Harry nodded and then the speed went back to normal, Snape not even looking in his direction.

"HAHAHA!" He heard Bellatrix laugh. "Malfoy..." Dumbledore said. Harry crawled out from the space and peeked through the railing. "I'm sorry professor... I have no choice..." Draco said and Harry knew what they were threatening the blonde with. "Oh Draco... You always have a choice." Dumbledore said and Draco pulled up his sleeve, showing the dark mark. "NO I DON'T!" He yelled and Harry felt anger bubble up, taking some deep breaths as they had been practicing.

"Yes you do... The mark doesn't define you, nor your friends." Dumbledore said and Harry's breath caught in his throat, the old crow knew... Of course he did... The crumbling wall, unaffected by the water... Harry should have been more careful.

"If you just were where we recorded you would be. You should be quite weak now." A werewolf man said and Harry slowly walked up the steps, walking soundlessly, it honsetly surprised him as well, with how quiet he was.

"Meaning, a mere push is enough to send you flying..." He said and the many death eaters laughed. "Your wards were weakened! Meaning we could enter, no problem! What does that tell you?!" Bellatrix yelled out and laughed. She placed her hand on Draco's shoulder and Harry felt his blood boil. Dumbledore saw Harry's bloodlust and gulped silently, but the deatheaters took it as if he was scared of them.

"Do it, Draco~" Bellatrix purred.

Dumbledore said some kind words and Draco faltered. Then Dumbledore looked away and over att Snape and said. "Severus... How could you..." Snape walked up and aimed his wand to the man, shooting the death curse, making Dumbledore fall back off the tower, and into the pouring rain.

"Severus! You know the dark lord will be angry with you! That was Dray's job!" She whined and Harry watched how Draco walked over to the railing, looking down. Screams could be heard as the whole of Hogwarts gathered in the plaza down below.

Hermione, Ron, Blaise and Pansy all looked up and saw Draco. Their eyes widened, he shook his head and could only hope that they noticed.

"Does anyone else smell wet dog?" Draco gulped and let himself fall, more screaming could be heard.

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