Chapter 6 - Christmas Morning and, A night Out.

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When Harry and Draco awoke the next morning, they were cuddling close. Draco's arms wrapped around Harry's torso, face planted in his chest, while Harry had his arms around Draco's head, his left leg positioned over the blondes waist.

"What the hell is the time..?" Draco asked and Harry hummed, glancing at the clock he had on his own nightstand before sighing. "Well... At least we got 6 hours of sleep..." He said and Draco laughed. "So it's, 10?" He asked and Harry let out a chuckle. "Yep, it's 10."

Both boys remained cuddling on the bed, enjoying the others warmth. They wanted to open their gifts, but they weren't little kids anymore, they could wait a couple more hours. "Hey..." Harry said, running his fingers through Draco's hair, making the blonde hum and nod.

"What are we..?" Harry asked and Draco smiled softly. "You're mine..." He said and Harry let out a soft laugh, which made Draco look up at him, tilting his head back. "I am quite serious." He said and this only made Harry laugh some more.

When Harry finally seemed to calm down, he ran his fingers through Draco's hair, once more. It was soft, now that it had no gel in it. "So... Boyfriends..." Harry said and Draco smiled, nuzzling his face back into Harry's chest. "Yeah... Boyfriends..."

Around 5PM, they had finally mustered up the energy to leave the bed, and the fact that they felt much more comfortable in each others arms. They had talked about a lot of random things, never really going into a specific subject.

They went down to eat dinner, everyone sharing about their gifts, whereas Harry and Draco had to admit, they had yet to open their own. McGonagall and Snape both glanced at each other and took a sip of their tea, smiling knowingly.

When everyone finished up eating, they went back to their houses, as did Harry and Draco. They opened up their gifts from their families, laughing as they did. Draco got some stuff from his father, Bellatrix and a few others, that the two rolled their eyes at, but his mother gave him a new suit that he had really wished for, as well as a small sticker of a the Male Gay pride flag, which made him cry.

But he didn't cry as much, as he did when he saw a gift wrapped in red, with his name on it. "Harry... Why is there a gift from the Weasleys for me..?" Draco asked and Harry held it out towards him, nodding encouragingly. Draco took it and gulped, opening it up, ever so slowly. There was a letter, and he took it, before daring to look at the gift itself, reading it aloud.

"Hello Draco dear.
When I saw you and Harry out in Diagonally... I saw the way you held him before you noticed my pressence. So, as an Official welcome to the family gift, I thought that I would make you your very own name sweater. Harry has gotten one, every Christmas since him and Ronald became friends. Be kind to one another. And also, if you're reading this, Harry Dearest. It was about damn time, I was going deaf with all the Malfoy talk... And Draco dearest, you will always have a place at our dinner table. Now. Merry Christmas to the both of you, and we fully expect to see you both at New Years in the Burrow.-
Molly and Arthur.
PS: No worries, we haven't told the kiddoes about your relationship."

Harry sat with a small smile, he was surprised too, of course, but he knew that they would accept them. Well, he had his doubts, but who the hell doesn't? Coming out isn't easy, no matter how supportive your parents / relatives may seem.

Draco on the other hand, was crying, or well, sobbing to be more specific. He had taken the sweater out of the wrapping and was hugging it along with the note. Harry let a few tears slip from his own eyes as well and moved over on the floor, tackling Draco to the floor in a tight hug.

The two laid on the ground and cried together, until maybe 9 minutes had past and they both got a hold of themselves, sitting up to get the last presents over with.

Draco's sweater was grey and green, obvious slytherin colours. It had a the letter D in the center of the chest, knitted with grey yarn. It had some red striped up by the neck, while Harry noticed his had some green. When it came to Harry and Dracos gifts for each other, they both halted for a bit. "I kinda wanna go for a walk, outside. Wanna come?" Harry asked and Draco smiled, nodding his head. They got up, had their wands in their back pockets and wore the sweaters. They had to sneak out, as they had taken the unwrapping of gifts quite calmly, with candy and laughing in between, it had gotten late once more, nothing more than 9PM, but still.

They both wandered outside and Harry let out a laugh, running out into the snow. It was still falling down over them, but a thick layer laid on the ground as well. Draco smiled and ran up to meet Harry, catching him in a hug from behind, arms around the smaller.

The moon was high on the sky, clouds covering its light, as well as the stars. Harry and Draco both chuckled and swayed from side to side as they hugged. They began to walk towards a cluster of trees, not the dark forest, but down by the lake where Harry had faught off the dementors in his 3rd year.

Hand in hand, Harry stopped by the bank and turned to face the blonde, pulling out a gift from his back pocket. Draco smiled and did the same, and so they swapped. They had to let go of the others hand to open, and as they did, they chuckled and eyed one another. Harry got his up first and opened the box. His eyes widened at the sight. It was the ring from the boutique. "Draco..." Harry said and took the ring out from the box, putting it on. It fit perfectly. "Thank you!" He exclaimed and looked at the blonde, who stood smiling.

He leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before rushing Draco to open his own. Draco chuckled at the ravenettes eagerness, but did as he was asked, opening up the gift. It revealed a dark green box, to which Draco jokingly said. "Oh my! A green box, Harry, how'd you know, it was just what I wished for!" Harry let out a groan and hit the other boy on his arm. "Quit fooling around and open it." He said and Draco sighed, doing as commanded.

He opened it and froze, his eyes widening. "But..." He said and picked up the most beautiful earrings he had ever in his life seen. They were long, a snakes body hanging by its mouth from the hook. "Harry... These are so expensive..." Draco said and Harry shoved him lightly with a soft smile. "Don't even think about it... They made me think of you..." He said and then looked at the matching necklace. Draco put everything back into the box, before grabbing Harry by the jaw and kissing him.

Harry's eyes widened, until he began to move into it, placing his own hands on Draco's hips and smirking into the kiss. Draco stuffed the box into the pocket of the hoodie underneath the sweater. Draco tilted Harry's face to the side, leaving open mouthed kisses down his jaw and then down his neck. "Dray..." Draco hummed and left a couple new marks, making Harry hum and groan, his grip tightened on the blondes hip.

"We're out in the open... Someone cou- oh~" Harry let out a soft moan as Draco sucked on the tender part between his neck and shoulder, which was a place of extra sensitivity. "Well... If you just make sure to keep quiet... No one would hear us atleast..." Draco said and Harry let out a low chuckle, moving his own head more to the side, giving Draco furhter access.

Said blonde wetted his lips, which left a cold feeling behind on Harry's neck, sending shivers down his spine, wanting more he moved a hand up to Draco's hair, making Draco smirk. A sudden tuck in Draco's hair, had him move back from Harry's neck and look into those beautiful green eyes, before another set of lips met his own, and he was pushed back against a tree.

"Fuck~ Harry..." Draco moaned out and Harry had to stop himself from smirking, as he deepened the kiss, licking Draco's lips for entrance, which was granted. He went in slow and moved his head to the side.

Draco huffed, as Harry used no tongue for a large amount of time, which frustrated him. But then it came and merlin did he feel weak in the knees when it did. He was so gentle, and somehow very good at it. Draco felt pride within himself as he was the one to exerience this, and have all of this for himself.

Harry's tongue in Draco's mouth, was like a dance. It went slow, then more passionately and hard, and then slow with tongue and then passionately/hard with- Well, you get it.Hands were roaming the others body, Draco finding that he liked his hands around Harry's throat and on his lower back, while Harry liked the hair and hips. "We should..." Harry said and then kissed Draco once more.

"Mhm~" Draco moaned and agreed with Harry, knowing what the ravenette was saying. "Bed, mhm..." Harry moved down Draco's neck, wet, cold, soft lips kissing and nibbling at the pale skin, tongue pressing against it as well. "Hah~"

-Lets just say, it took a while before they actually made it up to their bed. Kinda like wolves in heat, don'tya think?-

Don't Wanna go - Part 1 - Before the War.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora