Chapter 14 - A time and a Place.

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Harry downed the drink and as he walked over to the group of Gryffindors, another glass was poured for him. Draco quickly shoved it into Harry's hand and the ravenette walked up to his past house mates and friends.

"Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Neville, and who ever else is there." He said and pointed into the crowd. Ron was there too, he noted, probably got permitted to do a bit of dishes and then he had paid off his suspension time. "Get in here." Harry said and the few that he pointed out, did as he was asked, Ron stayed on the other side, until Harry sent him a glare. "You're 'Mione's boyfriend... And Ginny's brother... Get your ass in here." He said and Ron felt eyes on him. He was about to join the others, when Harry raised his arm, stopping him and with a look of pure death, he said. "But if you ever... And I mean, ever... Take out, as much as a hair on any of these peoples heads... I am not above going to your mother." He said and Ron gulped, nodding as Harry lowered his arm, letting him pass.

Then Harry turned back to the group of people and grinned. He took a sip of the whisky and walked over, not even wincing at the burn of the alcohol, which made Seamus and Dean take a step back. "You wanted a show..." Harry said and smirked, getting all up in their faces, being maybe an inch taller than them both. He eyed them and hummed. "Sure... What do you say guys!? Wanna give these asshats, a show?" He grinned as the outburst of all the Slytherins behind him, came. "Sounds like a yes to me."

He crossed his arms and shrugged. "The kids want a song, and I am never one to decline the wishes of kids before their bedtime. So I'll give them a good one." He said and glanced over his shoulder, everyone were Slytherins, except, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ginny and maybe 6 others, who were from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

As he stepped back, Draco, Blaise and Pansy walked up, flanking him which made the large group of people on the other side of the line, gulp.

He raised his wand at the group of students, waving it slightly from side to side, as if pondering if they were worth the effort. "You beat me up... Because I moved houses." He said and took a step towards them. Harry shook his head, moving his wand up under his chin and eyeing them all once more. "What would you all have done if I was a Slytherin from the beginning, because, thats what the hat wanted to put me in. I only got to be in Gryffindor because I personally, insisted." He said and then just smiled. "And, last year... When all hell broke loose, with Voldemort attacking the school again, and many of us almost dying at the ministry of magic...You all came crawling to me, asking for lessons in the Defense against the dark arts, classes. Passing your OWL's with flying colours, I might add."

Harry took a couple more steps forward and poked Seamus in the chest. "Especially you, begged... After having treated me like shit, most of the year..." He said and Seamus audiobly gulped, looking to his side. "But... The second that I am not in your house... You think that it is alright to beat someone to near death. Dumbledore may have forgiven and forgotten. But... As a true Slytherin, I will neither forgive, or forget." He then aimed his wand at an item over by Peter and music began. "You wanted a show... I'll give you a fucking show."
Harry downed the whisky glass and slammed it down onto a table beside him. Hermione knew the song that was playing and a grin spread on her lips as she began to hum along, moving fromside to side, which sent a chain reaction through out the crowd behind Harry. Everyone were now having fun, and Harry just kept staring at the crowd before him, before starting to sing, and throwing his hands out in the air, gesturing behind him. Draco still standing there and sending glares to the other group.

-Viva La Vida. Cold Play.-

"I used to rule the world.
Seas would rise when I gave the word.
Now in the morning I sleep alone,
Sweep the streets I used to own."

*Harry smirked as the group in the door, looked with wide eyes. The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs had moved more inside, never really minding Harry swapping houses, they were just confused. While the Gryffindors stared with hatred and wonder at the boy, finding him oddly, cocky in that moment.*

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