chapter 17

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They both studied talked... nd drifted to sleep... widout realizing.

They both slept placing their heads on table in sitting position...


Sunrays peeked inside the room... riddhima slowly opened her eyes... she found nd realized that they slept widout realizing she saw vansh sleeping... she smiled unknown to her... she saw vansh was looking cute while sleeping he was sleeping like a child pouting...


Unknowingly a smile skipped on my face nd what i saw was very innocent Vansh was sleeping like a child... pouting he was looking cute... i dont know what happen to this man when he is concius.. always busy in scaring ppl..

R:VANSH RAISINGHANIA (she mimicked vansh style of saying vansh Raisinghania)

R:bada aaya.... IF someone see him while sleeping no one will believe he is Mr Scary vansh Raisinghania...

Pov ends

Riddhima was staring vansh... then a mischievous idea arrived in her mind... she picked the marker kept on her table... nd wrote Mr scary.. on his head.. nd giggled..

R: so Mr scary vansh Raisinghania... when u will wake up nd go back to your room nd then bathroom u will get a surprise... good morning..... mr scary vansh Raisinghania (she whispered )

She giggled nd went to bathroom.. nd to be ready for her college..

Vansh wakeup he stretched his arms.. nd yawned.. nd he find himself in riddhimas room he smiled... that riddhima is taking a step ahead... in their relationship... he was happy but angry on himself that he didnt wakeup early than his sweetheart nor he would have  have start his morning.. with his sweethearts face... he blushed..

V: No worries sweetheart soon i will get up every morning nd start my morning wid your face...

He smiled.. nd went to his room nd then to bathroom to take bath.. nd when he came infront of mirror what he saw next made his eyes widened... his mouth opened...

V:shit shit whats this written mannn on my head... its done by riddhima yess she had done this.... damnn she is not a saint... for sure.. i never thought in my dreams also.. that she will be this mischievous buy whats this written... (due to mirror reflection he wasnt able to found what exactly written) arghhhgg whats this... written.. what if she had written i love u... vansh u r mad in luv it doesnt seems like i love u in any angle...  aaangreeeeeeeee.....

Angre came...

A:yesss bosss..

What angre saw made his eyes widened.. he saw mr scary witten on his boss head...

Angre gulped: boss vooo your head..

V: i know angre something written on my head...can u tell me whats written this is done by your bhabhi....

Angre smiled...

V: y r u smiling is it a joke...??

A:no boss ab vab vo..

V:common tell me angre...

A:Mr scary...

V: how dare u called me Mr Scary...

A:not in my worst nightmare.. bhabi had witten Mr scary.. on your head..

V: what........ 

Angre was controlling his laugh...

Vansh turned towards mirror.. nd checked his face..

V: angre am i scary???

A: ab vab n-nooo boss wh-who said u??

Vansh understood angres emotion..

Vansh started laughing....

V: just look at your face angre.. how  much u will controll yourself from laughing common man...

Angre was shocked... his boss is laughing.. if this prank would have done by anyone else his or her dead body would have laid... but it was done by his lady luv...  he was happy that someone made his boss happy.. he also laughed..

V:this girl... i m gonna teach her a lesson..

A: boss!!


A:we"ve got that deal...(he smirked)

Vansh hearing him smirked..

A:but boss we have.. to go there now.. nd have to work on this.. 1 week continously.. nd then u will be the underworld ruler.. (he smirked)

Vansh was still smirking...

V:Aangre takeout the car... i will be there in 5 mins...

A:yess boss..

V:nd tell other driver to drop riddhima nd pick her on time... as i will be not there.. nd tell him nd make sure he should be on riddhima shouldnt wait.. or stand.. ok..

A:ok boss..

After having the convo... they both left riddhima came downstairs...  she was excited to see vanshs reaction.. but when she came to dinning area she didnt found vansh she saw dapper sitting.. dapper ran towards her nd she caressed himm..

R:mrss dsouza where is vansh???

Dsouza told vansh is gone for imp meeting...


She was lil upset.. she pouted


Vansh should have told me.. before leaving khadus... wait wait is he angry??? Thats the reason he left... Maybe he didnt like my prank... ummm no worries.. when he will be back.. i will say sry...
Pov ends

Riddhima left for college she thought vansh will pick her... but she became upset when she saw driver..  she came to know vansh haven"t arrived... she was feeling suffocated now she thought he is angry on her bcoz of her prank.. she played with DAPPER to divert her mind but she couldn"t divert her mind she was eager to meet vansh.. she thought to wait for him to come home.. she waited it was 1 am but he wasnt yet.. she didnt realized.. when she slept..  vansh arrived at 1:30am.. he directly came to riddhima.. he found her sleeping he smiled covered her properly in duvet nd caressed riddhimas face nd kissed her forehead intensly...

V:sry sweetheart...( he smiled)good night sweetheart...

He went..

Next morning riddhima wakeup nd 1st work she did was to find vansh.. but he had left early.. she was upset... nd thought vansh is really angry on never ever happened that vansh didnt meet her once.. as she didnt know.. vansh use to come to her room... Days passed like this riddhima was upset... wid vanshs behaviour... now.. he use to go early nd come late but he used to come to her room daily night to wish her good night with a kiss... but riddhima was unaware of this riddhima was insecured now she was worried nd insecured... unaware of vanshs feelings...
Distance between two were increasing,will their distance be reduced?

To be continued..

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