
1.5K 84 18

So a lot of people have been asking me for another fic within this universe whether it be a drabble or an entire sequel or who knows what. I don't know how many people it's been, but there have been more than a few asking, both in the comments and several have also PMed me. First of all, thank you once again for all the the love I've received on this story, but I don't feel it would be true to the fic to write a sequel.

The end, I felt, was open, but had an air of finality. If any of you would like to know how I imagined the guys went on after the epilogue, the explanation I sent to one of the readers who PMed me is in bold below. It is, I will say, not a happy ending. If you'd rather imagine Pete and Patrick got back together when the hiatus was over, feel free to think up your own alternate ending. This fic belongs to you guys, the readers, as much as it does me.

As for you wanting to know how I imagine their universe continued after this fic, I imagine the two drifted apart even further. I feel like I've created a word where Fall Out Boy never came off of hiatus (as sad as that sounds), and Pete and Patrick lost touch with each other completely. Maybe they (especially Pete bc it's possessive, obsessive, Patrick-loving Pete) felt a void for the rest of their lives, but they got so used to the feeling that it became a familiar, almost welcoming sense. I truly believe Pete and Patrick are two halves of a whole, but when they tried to take it past friendship, they'd ruined it for good. As for Joe and Andy, they stayed together, married and happy, and kept in touch with both Pete and Patrick, just separately. I think the last time Pete and Patrick would ever have contact would be Joe and Andy's wedding.

That said, I will not rule out the possibility of maybe a one shot or drabble within this universe when and if this story hits 50K reads. I have a few ideas for the details of the Trohley wedding or a couple other things, but who knows if they'll ever come to fruition. When and if they're written and posted, I will update this with a link to whatever it is so as long as this is in your library or archive, you should get a notification.

I know I've said it a million times already, but once again, thank you all for the support. The reaction to this fic has been overwhelming and I'm incredibly thankful for each and every one of you.

- Maddy

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