V. Meat-Monster VS Halfa-Kids, part 2

Start from the beginning

They were surrounded and she had to protect her adopted brother until he found a way to return to his ghost form. Easier said than done, that was certain.

She punched one meat monster right in the face but then she found her hand stuck in it. She tried to pull away but the meat seemed to crawl on her arm instead. Getting frustrated, she karate chopped the monster in half, starting from one side and finishing on the other.

The little move seemed to shock the monster and she grabbed the chance to break free, stumbling back from the force. However, the monster reformed itself and started to advance towards her.

At the same time, Danny was attacked by two monsters who managed to grab him by the arms and fly a little further with him.

"Danny!" Lina shouted as she jumped above the monster she was fighting and headed towards the rest.

The two monsters turned Danny upside down and held him in the air while three on the ground attacked Lina. She was forced to dodge but also land in an attempt to not get hit or caught by the meat creatures.

Suddenly, an object headed towards Danny and hit him right in the face. The boy, however, managed to catch it and recognized it to be one of his dad's inventions.

"Fenton Thermos! But how am I going to get it to work?" Danny asked, practically anyone at that point since he had little choice left

"No idea!" Lina shouted as she tossed herself straight to the two monsters that held him captive.

With both fists raised, she smashed through both of them and caused Danny to fall on the ground, face first.

"A warning next time!" he shouted, rubbing his head as she landed next to him, covered in red meat.

"Disgusting" she commented as she tried to clean the meat off her while the monsters reformed.

"Change back! CHANGE BACK!" Danny shouted and a smirk appeared on his face as the light rings appeared and he managed to change into his ghost form.

"I will meet you at the Lunch Lady," Lina said as Danny sank into the ground, the boy already having a plan in mind.

The monsters roared in fury and turned their attention to the other Halfa. She waved goodbye to them and flew towards the other ghost; her primary target.


"NO! Soup's not on today's menu!" the Lunch Lady shouted while trying to hit a flying Lina.

Once again, the female Halfa was busy dodging her attacks and keeping her occupied, waiting for her adopted brother to come.

"I'm changing the menu, permanently!" Danny shouted as he grabbed the top of the thermos and in a small voice, whispered "Please work" he pulled the top off the thermos while Lina flew out of the way, unsure what would happen next or how that thermos worked.

A blue aura surrounded Danny and then the thermos, powering up before releasing a stream of energy. The energy formed a net that surrounded the surprised Lunch Lady and trapped her there.

"NOOOO!" she shouted as she struggled to break free but couldn't.

The energy swirled and sucked the Lunch Lady into the thermos and Danny, who has turned human again, put the lid back on the thermos; forever sealing her in there and making sure she could not escape.

"It works. That is... wow" Lina commented as she landed and changed back to her human form as well, earning a high five from Danny.

"Yeah," He said with a smile before the two of them walked towards Sam and Tucker, who were trapped under one of the protest balloons. Danny helped Sam up and Lina did the same with Tucker.

"What happened? Where's the ghost?" Sam asked once she realized that the fight was over and the danger had passed.

Danny smiled down at the thermos. "My parents have their moments"

A faint beeping noise could be heard, and Danny quickly hid the thermos behind his back. A very smart move for in the next second, a meat-covered Jack and Maddie walked up to them; Jack holding the Fenton Finder in front of him.

"You would have to be some sort of moron to not notice the ghost directly ahead," the device said.

Danny, standing right in front of the device, smiled weakly. Jack and Maddie looked up from the Fenton Finder towards him, not sure what to think and yet not truly questioning why the machine was pointing at their son.

"Oh, sorry, Dad. *Points behind him with his thumb* You just missed him" he said, trying to explain the unexplainable with a very convincing lie.

"We got a runner!" Jack exclaimed and started to run towards the direction his son had pointed along with Maddie.

"So, you're not gonna tell 'em?" Tucker asked, once the two adults had moved away and could not hear them talking.

"Nah, I think I might've finally figured out what these powers are for. They make me-"

A hand suddenly grabbed Danny by the shoulder. His eyes widened and he glanced upward at Mr Lancer, who looked furious.

"In a world of trouble," he finished for him.


Outside Casper High, nighttime.

Mr Lancer was walking with a megaphone in his hand. "Manson! Pick up that T-bone!" he ordered at our 4 heroes, who were cleaning the food that was left from the garbage fight Danny had caused the day prior but also the pieces of meat left from the actual fight.

"With my hands?" Sam asked disgustedly.

"Foley! Pick up that Turfwich!"

"With my hands?" he asked, equally disgusted and held the mud pie by its corner.

Mr Lancer seemed pleased and took a bite out of a turkey leg before turning around and walking away.

A little further away, Lina and Danny were sweeping up some meat with Dash supervising them. He had a pleased smirk on his face as he leaned on the giant dumpster, where the meat was being collected.

From time to time he would laugh and point at places they missed.

Lina getting annoyed started to sweep closer to him. Without being noticed, she carefully grabbed the side of the dumpster before turning it intangible. The dumpster's contents phased out and fell on Dash, who got trapped under a huge pile of meat.

"FENTONS! A little help?" he shouted as only his head managed to poke out from the meat pile.

"Whatever you say, Dash," Danny said with a pleased look, his eyes glowing green and looking at his sister, whose eyes glow red in response. "Whatever you say"

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