Who...You? Me? I Don't Know What You're Talking About

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The next day, she did a little shopping from a unlimited credit card that Jimin gave her with a wink. Since she knew better, he was definitely hitting on her.

Too bad I don't give a fuck about men.

She bought about a month's worth of clothes from luxury brands in a petty attempt at maxing out the card.

It didn't after she frequented many places.

She came back to her room, littered with shopping bags from Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Celine, Dior AND YET, the card hadn't been maxed out.

It made dread fall upon her.

Exactly how powerful was Ji-Sook to have this much money?

She shook her head and tried to not let the feeling set on her. She knew that Ji-Sook was in the pool when she came home, so she took her cuff with a cutting wire hidden in it.

She placed it on her wrist so it looked like a normal thick bracelet. She searched through the various bags for about 5 minutes until she found the the swimsuit she had bought.

No need for her to be sexy while trying to kill her sworn enemy.

She put on the one piece swimsuit that made a V across her bottom and thighs. The straps were slightly tight and pushed her chest out more than she liked but she still wrapped a towel over her body and blew out a breath.

She walked through the compound to the back and found the marble encased pool with clear water flowing in it.

Ji-Sook sat in the back corner with her sunglasses on and looking through her phone.

Jennie walked in with a slow determined pace and threw the towel off her, where it landed on a lawn chair.

She took the bun off her hair and it unraveled down until the middle of her back.

She saw Ji-Sook look up but she couldn't tell her expression or emotions with the sunglasses on. She stared for a minute before turning around with her phone.

Her back was facing her and Jennie almost smiled. Perfect.

She took the steps into the water and slowly submerged until her chest reached underneath.

She carefully unwound the cutting wire from her bracelet, under the water. She moved slowly so that she was almost a foot away. She saw Ji-Sook tense up with the muscles in her back raising.

The other woman placed her phone down on the edge and Jennie was about to raise up the wire to strangled her when Jimin walked in with, "Devil wants to speak with you."

Jennie let go of the wire and it unraveled back in. Who was Devil?

Ji-Sooo gave her a once over without removing her sunglasses. The corner of her mouth quirked up and Jennie felt a shiver run through her. A bad one. She did NOT like the way Ji-Sook was looking at her with lust. It made her feel disgusted. Her gaze was direct and implicating. She felt goosebumps across her arms even in the warm water.

She tightened her jaw and swam a foot back as Ji-Sook swam to the phone.

Jennie dumped her head in the water to cool off and flipped her wet hair back as she came up. She gasped and pushed her hair back with both her hands. She turned and saw Ji-Sook speaking into the phone while facing Jennie. The brunette held her gaze for a moment before she heard water splashing lightly and the water rippled.

Jennie turned her face and saw Soojoo with a hard look wearing a white bikini. In terms of personality and looks, they couldn't have been more opposites. Jennie was cool and patient. Soojoo was fire and impulse. Soojoo's dark hair mixed with brown strands was free down to her shoulders and she did not like the way Ji-Sook was looking at Jennie. The brunette didn't care and wouldn't get caught in the middle of their drama.

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