Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

Now it was weird because there were other people to focus on, but I wasn't sure who to focus on first or why or what. I had no idea what I was doing.

"There they are!" Daphne May exclaimed, leaping to her feet and waving her hand around at someone. I followed her line of sight to see two other guys approaching us through the crowded restaurant. I recognized them from the pictures their parents always shoved at my face whenever they had a chance. Dania and her husband Alexis adored their son, Floki. He was a weird one, wild and funny with long dark hair and multicolored nails and bright clothing. He flashed Daphne May a tongue out smile and came over to give her a big hug.

Behind him was Wren. The pride and joy of Alaric and Stanton. He was their baby, or so Alaric liked to remind me. Wren was also Three's younger brother. He was really tall, but skinny as fuck and something told me the guy would be a lot more attractive if he didn't have that gross patch of goatee on his face and actually pulled his hair out of his face. Now he looked more like a drug dealer.

"Ugh," was Wren's response the moment he saw Three, who grinned at him.

"About time, baby brother! We were just ordering drinks. I told them to give you something small since you can't handle your alcohol that well," he said, to which Wren answered with a fuming glare, "Dad told me that. Are you back from your therapy?"

"Therapy?" I asked.

"None of your business," Wren snapped, then shoved a hand through his hair as he took a seat by Amenti, who kissed him on the cheek, "Someone order me a bourbon." I raised an eyebrow, glancing at Daphne May, who smiled at them, then looked at me.

"Sorry, Wren and Three don't get along that well yet. Wren's used to being babied by his parents all the time and now he has to share them with Three and it's just a whole mess."

"That is not true," Wren said, but the way he said it through clenched teeth and cast Three a dirty look said otherwise. I raised an eyebrow. What a colorful group of people.

"Alright," Holly said as the server swung by again, "Yes, hi. I'd like to order Four Horsemen for my friends and I, oh and a bourbon on the rocks, please. And what was your number again?" The server grimaced.

"Sweetie, you're wetter than a fucking shrimp and unfortunately I'm not big on seafood," she said, making Holly scowl, "But I can get you your drinks if you sit back down." Laughter rippled through the table as Holly plopped back down while the server got us our drinks.

"What's a Four Horsemen?" I asked, turning to Daphne May, who smirked.

"It's a whiskey drink."

"What's whiskey?"

"Oh," Daphne May paused, "Uh, I forgot y'all only got wine back where you're from. Hey, is it such a good idea we just ordered this guy a shot? Maybe we should start him off with some beer or something."

"Too late," Holly declared, pumping her fists up and down in front of her as she eagerly watched the bartender mix our drinks, "Time to get fucking wasted. We've already seen Seven, Three, and Six drunk. It's Four's turn to get fucked up." I looked at her, then at Daphne May, who shrugged and gave me an apologetic smile.

"I doubt he'll like it," Six said, "Alcohol is really strong."

"Yeah, I'm not a fan. I'll stick to my sodas, thanks," Seven said, taking a sip off his drink through a bendy straw. I rolled my eyes at that. I'd had alcohol before. Yeah, it was just wine, but I'd had a few tastes of whatever the fuck my guardians drank when they had to deal with me and it wasn't that bad.

"Might not be able to handle it," Three said, making Six and Wren glare at him as he looked at me, "Alcohol out here is nothing like the shit the Mother has, man. This shit will fuck you up."

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