The Accident (Part 2)

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Sirens rang throughout the canal.

Police officers with megaphones cleared the area.

Ambulances parked by the scene.

Upside-down cars.

Yellow tape blocking passersby.

Solemn silence from those walking by.

2 injured.

1 de@d.

Harry and Louis were wheeled away into separate ambulances, both unconscious. Officers looked down as a man's body is covered by a tarp as paramedics take him away.


Three young men run into the hospital. "Where are they?" They shout at the receptionist. She looks up, flustered. "I- who are you looking for, dears?" The boy named Liam slams his hand against the table and groans. "Liam," warned the bleached-blonde Irish one. "Calm down. You too, Zayn." The one who was (apparently) called Zayn was fuming, most likely covering up his worry. "Niall, how could you tell me to calm down? Haz and Lou are in the hospital! They fell from a bridge in a bloody car! I can't calm down until I know that they're not-" he faltered. "Until I know that they're gonna be fine."

The receptionist looked between them. She cleared her throat. Niall looked up. "Oh, sorry miss. Erm, Louis Tomlinson? And Harry Styles?" She looked on her computer for what felt like a millennium. "They are both undergoing surgery right now. They came in around 30 minutes ago. They were stable, from what I heard. But in critical condition. You can wait over there. Are you their friends?"

"Yes." Zayn responded, looking down, tears brimming in his eyes. The receptionist nodded like she felt bad, but also like this wasn't the first time this happened. "Do they have family nearby? I'm not sure they've been contacted yet. It doesn't normally take this long." They nodded. "We'll tell them."

They thanked the woman and sat down with their heads in their hands. Liam called Anne and Johannah when they sat down, telling them what happened.

Zayn sat far away from the other two, trying to hold back tears. Niall moved closer to him. "Zayn, what's wrong?" Zayn just shakes his head.

"C'mon, Zayn." Niall pressed.

Zayn sniffled. "They- they texted me when they were on their way. They were gonna be late. You know that Lou hates being late. He was probably speeding. It's my fault! I texted them, 'It's alright', Niall. I should have texted them, 'It's alright. No rush.' Then they wouldn't be hurt! It's my fault! It's my fault!"

Niall shook his head. "No, no, no. Zayn, there's no way you could have thought that. And besides. No one blames you." Zayn kept arguing, and after a while, Niall could tell that the only people that could possibly console him would be H & L.

Soon enough, the three boys fell asleep.

They stayed asleep for two hours and 45 minutes.


"Excuse me? Boys?" A tall, slim, and balding man in a white coat and gloves stood before them. The singers woke up with anxiety. Anxiety, and a lot of questions.

"Are they alright?"
"What happened?"
"Can we see them?"
"Yeah, can we?"
"Lads, we don't even know if this is their doctor!"
"Oh, shut up, Liam. Can you tell us anything?"
"How bad is it?"
"Can we see them?"
"Can we see them?"
"Can we see them?"

The doctor cleared his throat and stared at them. They blushed. "Sorry 'bout that." They muttered apologetically. He smiled at them, but it wasn't a happy smile. It was like he was trying to soften the blow.

He introduced himself, but made it quick. He then got straight to the point. "The older one? Louis? He broke a wrist very badly, practically shattering the bone, bruised 3 ribs, and got a pretty major concussion. The younger one, Harry, I'm afraid, was quite a lot worse. He had a serious concussion as well, broke a knee and ankle, and [very badly] hurt his spinal cord. We think it may have paralyzed him from the waist down. It's hard to tell right now, but we'll know for sure when he wakes."

The boys were simply in disbelief. It turned into anger, which turned into sadness, which turned into worry, which turned into restlessness. But they were told they could visit in the morning with Anne and Jo. They all stayed at Zayn's place. The five of them were planning on it for after Zayn's party, so they may as well do it just the three of them. Zayn took it the hardest anyway, so it was best to be within his reach.

He woke up in the middle of the night from nightmares, to which Liam and Niall dutifully comforted him.


Anne and Jo were at the hospital when the boys arrived. They went around giving hugs and words of affirmation. But the unspoken sentence was, "none of this will do Haz & Lou any good".

The doctor from last night came out and recognized the boys. He greeted us and then told them they could see Louis. Harry, not yet.

They hurried down the white halls. They burst into a room to see (one of their) best mate(s). "Louis!" They cry, throwing their arms around him. He seems to just be waking up. "Hey, guys. What happened? And- guys? Where's Hazza?!" They raised their eyebrows. "So you don't remember anything?" Jo asked. He shook his head, then faltered. "Wait... Oh no! Zayn, we missed your birthday!"

Zayn managed a smile. "Hey, it's alright, Lou. I'm just glad you're okay." Then he frowned. "I-I'm so so so sorry. It's my fault. I should have told you to take your time or something if I did you wouldn't be here and I wasn't-"

"Zayn!" Louis exclaimed. "It's not your fault! Trust me. The memories are starting to come back. There was a drunk driver." Zayn looked down. "Maybe."

The doctor explained his injuries, then explained Harry's. He tried to sit up, but winced and layed back. "What? But- but- THAT'S NOT TRUE!" He was shaking his head angrily. "No! Hazzie's gonna walk again. He'll be okay!" Jo rested a hand on his cheek. "Lou, honey. Calm down. You can see Harry in a bit." Louis scowled. "I want to see him now! I need to see him!" The doctors explained that part of his temper was from the gas they used to put him to sleep, but most of the anger was real.

Hours later, the boys were told that they could see Harry. Louis asked "Can I come?" He looked scared. But they weren't sure if it was fear for himself, or for Harry. The doctors considered this. "You know what? Sure. We can get a wheelchair if you-" Louis cut him off. "No. Erm, no thank you. I can make it. My legs aren't hurt, so I'll be fine. Then Anne and Zayn went to Harry, with Jo Ni and Liam staying to help.

Niall and Liam carefully helped Louis get up out of bed. They helped him limp to Harry's room.

Louis slowly opened the door to Harry's room. He was just waking up. A doctor was tending to him.

Louis ran to Harry, not caring about the pain. "Haz! I'm so happy to see you!" Thin tears trickled down his face. "How are you feeling, darling?" Harry frowned. "Nothing," he responded. "That's- that's strange. Why is my leg all bandaged up? I don't feel anything." Louis held back a sob as the doctor broke the news.

"W-what?" Harry looked around, then gazed at Lou with pleading eyes. "Lou, tell the doctor. Tell him I'll be fine! Louis!" Harry didn't want to cry, but it was hard to hide. Louis layed next to him in the bed and comforted him. "Please, Haz." He whispered. "Stay calm. It'll be fine. Shhhhh."

"Am- am I going to walk again? Lou? Am I?" Louis kissed his cheek. "Shhh. Don't think like that." He soothed. Harry turned to Louis. "You're changing the subject, babe." He accused.

"No, I'm not! I- I just don't want to jump to conclusions. Okay?" Harry nodded sadly. "Okay."


Harry stayed at the hospital for a few weeks as they tried to rehabilitate him. But soon enough, they sent him home.

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