The Accident (Part 1)

207 1 1

-Car Accident
-Minor Swearing
-Drunk Driving

Harry and Louis get into a bad accident and Harry gets horribly injured. Their relationship has been rocky lately, and will this finally break them?

4478 words (across the three parts)


"C'mon, Hazza!" Louis called from their foyer. "We're gonna be late! Zayn's birthday is rather important, you know!" Louis checked his watch for what felt like the millionth time. He tapped his foot and watched the stairs.

A minute later, the younger boy came downstairs with his hair in messy curls. His tie was crooked and loose. They jumped into their car and drove off. They sat in awkward silence. Louis set up the GPS system. "ETA, 6:23 PM." It read aloud. Louis groaned and glanced at his boyfriend sitting in the passenger's seat on his left.

"Harry," Louis started. Harry winced. Louis never called him "Harry". "We were supposed to be there at 6 PM! We're gonna be late. And it's all because you wouldn't get out of the bloody shower!" Harry looked down. "Sorry." He apologized. "But it's not all my fault, you know."


"It's not all my fault!" Haz repeated. "I overslept. I shouldn't have done that. But you also could have woken me up! And I was trying to get out of the shower quickly but the water was barely running! I have trouble with my ties, too. You know that." Louis stayed silent, then said, "I shouldn't have to take care of you, Harry. Don't blame me!" He shook his head and groaned.

They drove by a crowded bar.

Louis drove them onto a low bridge that went over a canal. Suddenly, two cars sped by, swerving in & out of lanes. Louis started getting nervous, and Harry could tell. He put his hand on Louis's thigh and rubbed his thumb in circles. Louis appreciated the gesture, and knew that it was one of the many reasons why he loved Harry. He wouldn't let show, though, and scowled. Suddenly another car swerved right in front of them.

"Whoah!" Louis yelped. They almost had an accident. After a minute or two, they figured that all the drunk drivers were gone. "Careful, Louis!" Harry warned, snapping at his boyfriend. Louis rolled his eyes.

"Here we go agai-"

Tysm for reading! I know this is literally so short but cliffhangers are DOPE so...


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