Chapter 30

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"Do I have to Hermione?" Harry asked for the millionth time this hour.

"Harry you are going to your detention with Spar and you are going to behave." Hermione said finally having enough of Harry's nonsense.


"I don't want to hear it."

"Fine. I'm gunna find Luna she who'll understand." Harry the stood up from the Gryffindor dinner table and walked approximately six feet to the Ravenclaw table. "Luna."

"No" Luna said as she made space for him to sit at the Ravenclaw table next to her.

"I don't even ask anything, yet."

"Yet." Luna then looked at him. "The nargles informed me that you were going to try and skip your detention.

"But I don't wanna go. Do I have to?" Harry asked with pleading eyes.

"Yes you do. Also it looks like both you and Snape are done eating. Go." Luna then gave him a light shove.

"Traitor." Harry muttered.

"I love you too now go."

"Fine bye but if I don't come back make sure you investigate Snape for my murder." Harry then go up and walked out of the great hall. On his way down to the defence classroom where he knew Snape would be he wondered what would take place during the detention.

When he finally reached he knew he could just walk away before Snape even knew he was there and ya her would probably have a weeks worth of detention due ti that but at least he wouldn't have to be at this one. However before Harry could act on hi a impulse Snape opened the door.

"Your late."

"How is that even possible?" Snaps never gave him a time that he needed to be here by.

"Enter before I give you another detention."

"Fine." Harry entered the classroom and sitting down at one of the desks. "But do I have to do anything? We friend's now."

"I am going to grade some assignments and you can finish your homework for my class then I'll give you another task."

"If I knew all I should have to do for now was my homework I would have ran here the moment I finished eating. Hermione won't stop annoying me about being responsible this year. I think I'll get some more detentions."

"Potter" Snape said looking up from his work.


"Kindly shut up." Harry gasped in mock offense.

"How could you professor." Snape simply ignored Harry's comments. So aster a while Harry fell silent. "I'm done."

"I was going to have you do something else but you are to annoying to be around for so long. So please leave."

"But professor I'm your favorite student." Harry whined.


"Fine I'll see you in class though." And Harry left. He headed straight to the common room thinking he would probably speak to his godfather. He loved the man he really did but he knew everything that he said to him may get back to Dumbledore. Harry was seriously contemplating if the man should be told of his affiliation with Storm, if he should be disposed of, or simply left alone.

However when he got back to the common room he finished up some homework and went into his dorm room around ten. Harry wondered if it would be too late to call Sirius however decided to give it a try anyway.

Harry bad the two way mirror out of his trunk and pulled the hangings around his bed and silenced then.

"Sirius? Sirius are you there?" Harry waited for a few moments there was no reply however as he was about to return the mirror he heard Sirius's voice.

"Harry? Is that you?"

"Sirius!" Harry exclaimed while a large smile said onto his face. It was so wide and looked so real nominees could tell it was forced. "How have you been?" No matter what Harry could not look at his godfather's joyous face and not feel guilty about his early thoughts.

"I've been better Dumbledore is still keeping me in the house." Harry picked up on the slightest bit of resentment in the man's voice.

"Why didn't the ministry believe you innocent after the fiasco last year?"

"They are saying that I will have a trial before I am deemed innocent, and Dumbledore said he would set up a date for me but I haven't heard anything yet. But enough about me, how have things been going at the castle? Any ladies? Are you getting into any trouble?"

"Things over here are going as good as they can be, and I thought I told you I had a girlfriend. Luna. And I just got back form a detention if that answers your question."

"Oh yeah you did tell me about your Lady friend. Who was the detention with?"


"He's a bastard, anyway how have things been going with Dumbledore?"

Sirius was not at the meeting held in Dumbledore's office so Harry quickly filled him in in on what had been asked of him.

"No." Sirius plainly stated.

"I told him I wouldn't. Don't worry."

"Good you are already doing enough for the world by getting rid of Voldemort to add another group of powerful individuals would be insane."

"My thoughts exactly. But I have to go to bed. I have classes tomorrow and I don't want to be late. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Harry stay safe. Please."

"No promises" Harry chuckles then the connection ended and Harry put away his mirror and lay awake trying to figure out if Sirius was trust worthy or not

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