Chapter 11

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There was a moment of silence before Lightning spoke. "We do not have to keep these bands on. But they must be within ten feet of us or it will materialize around our wrists again. You can also wear is as any accessory you can think about, so for example..." Lightning then though for a moment and his silver armband was replaced by a strip of leather, then Lightning changed it back to the Silver bracelet. 

"This is very impressive magic."

"Thank you. Soooo... basically the alliance deal is we help you, and I get to do things that nobody else does. And if either of us betray the other these will cause A LOT OF PAIN. And will alert the other of our location and that we betrayed the other. We can also end messages with these."

"That sounds about right... and since we are allies I suppose I should show you my true form." With a wave of Voldemort's wand he slowly started looking less snakelike and more human. The Dark Lord looked like an older version of Tom Riddle. 



"Bloody Hell!"

"How is that even possible?"

"Not even the nargles could have prepared me for this." 

"It is funny how you all react to my true form when normally you are so well put together," Voldemort chuckled but this time it was deep and rich not the broken hissing that he used to do. But as if a sudden thought hit him the Dark Lord sobered up. "In the conditions for the vow we made it so that we could not kill each other or the other's following we also could not harm the other's following without permission but we are allowed to harm each other, why?"

"I was waiting for you to ask me that. The reason is that we are both extremely powerful, a duel between us could last hours, so if we are allowed to harm each other as long as we do not kill each could work off any anger we might be feeling or any arguments could be resolved by a duel. And also once I reveal my identity I expect to be under at least three crucioes."

"That makes sense but, who are you?"

"I have something I need to attend and I would not like to be limping while there so I think I will tell you later, I may come back later tonight around nine pm or another day. If I am not here by nine-ten I am not coming, and I will contact you about a meeting date ASAP which is a muggle abbreviation for As Soon As Possible, get used to it. Any way Byeeeee." With that he grabbed hold of his friends and in a cloud of smoke and a bright flash of light and they all disappeared. 

"That kid whoever he is will be the death of me," Voldemort muttered. 

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