Chapter 9

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As the group of thirteen walked towards the office, Harry felt a little uneasy about going into his so called greatest enemy's office.  He could tell his friends felt the same by their uncertain movements. 

"I for one would like to know why you eight look so nervous." Snape whispered. He seemed to be the only one to notice the unease in the group, but then again he was a trained spy. 

"If you were me you would be petrified about the idea of walking into that man's office." Lightning whispered back. 

"It is your identity that has your nerves so high." It was not a question it was a mere statement 

"If you are trying to figure out who I am I will not tell you, I do not trust you enough, remember how you treat the Gryffindor in your class you should have known your treatment of them would come back to haunt you."

"I suppose I did"

"Then why treat us so poorly?"

"I dislike Gryffindors"

"If you dislike Gryffindors then why did you befriend Lilly potter?"

"Only harry potter knows I was her friend "

"Not true "

"How did find out then?"

"Everyone always tells Potter how much his eyes look like Lilly's and the rest of him looks like James" Lightning explained, "whenever you look Potter over quickly your eyes fill with resentment. but whenever you look into his eyes something changes and you look a little happier."

"A reasonable theory"

"Thank you, I like to observe things others overlook."

"I suppose you do."

"We are almost to my office." Voldemort called behind him. 

"Guys make sure you are on your best behavior or you will be punished." Lightning said to his followers. 

"Yes Lightning." They replied.


"We are here." Voldemort said walking into an office decorated with green and silver and a lot of the the furniture was mahogany 

"Nice office, was anyone else disappointed though? I expected blood skulls and black." Everyone smiled slightly. 

"Sit down everyone," Voldemort said waving his hands to indicate he meant to sit in the chairs. Voldemort wished he could rip off the mask and know who it was that he was about to speak to about deals and  alliances.

"Sooo..." Lightning prompted when the Dark Lord made no indication to start talking. 

"I wish to know the identity of at least two of you before I speak about making deals with you."

"Fine Sleet, Snow, take of your masks but before have your wands in your hands in case you get attacked also conjure your shields around you. and remember the special training that we did. if you get crucioed by any chance remember your training."


"Lighting" the twins did what they were told and took off their masks after putting  up their shields and taking out their wands, Fred had a few knives out just in case. When they took off their masks their was a sharp intake of breath and then science. 

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