Chapter 10

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this is speaking with the earpieces


No one spoke, no one seemed to breath. The DEs and Dark Lord seemed shocked into silence while lightning and the rest of Storm were in defensive positions.

Lightning then decided to use the earpieces he had given everyone in Storm Snow, Sleet if anyone attacks you I want you to use mostly defensive magic and low power offensive spells. Please no knives.

Ok Lightning. Where Fred and George's replies, the DEs and Voldemort had been watching this whole interaction closely, but while they saw Lightning, Sleet, and Snow's lips moving they were not nearly close enough to hear each other. So that was another unsolved mystery. How were they communicating? He also saw Sleet putting away the knives he took out which was odd.

"I am now speaking to break this very uncomfortable silence." Lightning's voice pierced through everyone's thoughts. "Mr. He-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named-And-Has-Too-Many-Dam-Hyphens-In-His-Name got what he wanted, I showed you all the identity of two of my number. Of course I put up some wards of my own invention meaning you lot cannot speak about the identity of Sleet and Snow, nor can you call them anything but Sleet and Snow without my express permission.... Now alliance deals."

"Yes, Lighting you did and I requested now it is only fair if I keep up my end of the deal. Storm answers to Lightning, I respect that. But if we are allies we then must work together, so Lightning and I will often make plans together. And when we win the war Lightning will rule it with me."

"That sounds good to me. As long as you don't kill anyone I am too close too I am fine. Killing and harming others does not bother me. I also think it would be a good idea to mention the fact that we cannot kill each other."

"Why would I want to do that?" Voldemort asked.

"Because of who I am."

"You must be someone that is known to be light. And important enough for me to want to kill... personally."

"Your assumptions are correct. But we will speak no more on the matter until we have both become part a type of magical oath."

"Do you mean an unbreakable vow?"



"I recently accepted and fulfilled an unbreakable vow and I do not enjoy having the little scars around my wrist that can not be covered."

"What is the alternative?"

"A spell of my own invention. It works like and unbreakable vow except you get a type of bracelet instead of cars on your skin, and It will cause you unbearable pain if you attempt to disobey the terms and conditions of it."

"Ok, I will take this spell like contract."

"Good. Place the palm of your hand against mine." The Dark Lord did as he was told. "Now repeat after me. I, Lord Voldemort swear to work with Lightning my ally to defeat the Light side in this war I have started. I swear to not kill him and not to harm his group out of spite as they now work with me. I also will not allow my Death Eaters to kill any of the Storm group, and not to allow them to harm Lightnings followers out of spite. So mote it be."

" I, Lord Voldemort swear to work with Lightning my ally to defeat the Light side in his war I have started. I swear to not kill him and not to harm his group out of spite as they now work with me. I also will not allow my Death Eaters to kill any of the Storm group, and not to allow them to  harm Lightnings followers out of spite. So mote it be." The Dark Lord repeated a flash of light luminated the room before it dimmed.

"I, Lightning swear to work will Lord Voldemort and not kill any of his followers, unless asked to. I a swear to not harm the Elite Group out of spite or for satisfaction, unless given permission from the Dark Lord. So mote it be." Their was another flash of light but this time it engulfed the two wizards. When the light finally dimmed they both had simple silver bands and Lightning had one with bright green gems and the dark lord had one with crimson gems.

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