Chapter 23

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"Good morning, Headmaster." Harry said politely. 

"Good morning, Harry, my boy."

"What are we doing here? Headmaster." He then pretended to survey the room, he already memorized where everything in the room was and every possible means of escape if that was needed. 

"Well my boy, as you must have seen in the daily profit this morning there was an attack from an anonymous group they claim not to be death eaters. But they so not seem to be on the light side. We," the headmaster gestured around the room at the assembled order members, "have called this meeting to discuss the group."

"And... what do we have to do with this Headmaster..." Hermione asked then quickly carried on, as if she did not want to send the wrong message. "not that we are not thankful that you have invited us."

The Headmaster chuckled. "Of Course not dear. Now why don't you and your friends come and sit down... so we could start the meeting." 

There was a cores of "Yes Headmaster."

"Now, there is a group of eight that attacked Diagonally. The leader apparently had one one striking feature... his Avada Kedavra green eyes." Dumbledore's twinkling blue eyes landed on Harry who put on his best concerned/innocent look. 

"Do we know any other information about them Albus." Molly Weasley asked. 

"No they were particularly secretive about their identities, not giving away any information about who they are. The only other thing I can tell you is that they are a force to be warry of. They took out around 20 aurous in two minutes."

"What can we do about them" Harry asked, he had a vague Idea where this was going.  

"Harry, my boy... I believe that... you are the one who can defeat them."

"No" Harry said plainly as if he was asked whether or not he like Draco Malfoy. 

"No? My boy?"

"No, I am already supposed to be defeating Voldemort, and saving the world form him and his Death Eaters. No, I am not going to go and risk my neck to attempt to bring down another group of psychopaths."


"But noting! I have been risking my life for the wizarding world since I was 11. And all the thanks I get is my picture in the paper, and half the time I am the enemy. Good day to you headmaster and good bye." With that harry left the room, with Luna following shortly after, the only reason the other hadn't left was because they needed to know what Dumbledore was up to. 

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