Chapter 14

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It was exactly nine o'clock there was a faint POP in the thrown room of the DLC (Dark Lord's castle). The Dark Lord and the DE's looked up and stopped talking.

"We're back!" Lighting said, Then suddenly turned to Snape and asked seriously, "Have you heard Potter and Lovegood are together professor?"

"Yes they got together this evening before the feast which means you were there and since you keep on calling me professor you are a student at Hogwarts."

"Very good. would you all like to know who I really an though?"

"Yes," was the reply he got from all the adults in the room.

"It is quite amusing to fee such powerful adults respond like children especially such a mean professor, crazy insane lady, and self absorbed Dark Lord."

"My Lord, can I keep this kid? I like him."

"We are stuck with him for life so I suppose so."

"Yes!!!" Bella screamed. "You will call me Bella."

"I feel honored but dare I say Bell won't want me when I tell you all who I am."

"I will decide that when I know who you are" The crazy lady exclaimed angrily.

"Ok, suit yourself. I won't get my hopes up I don't want to be disappointed. Now for out identities. You already know Sleet and Snow." The devil twins smirked, they did not have on their masks. "Now I present Wind and Rain." Ron and Hermione took off their masks and no one spoke for a long time.

Remember your training if you are hit with something dangerous send off the strongest curse you know.

Yes Lighting


"Why?" It was Snape who broke the science, "Why betray Potter?"

"We wanted glory." Was Ron's answer.

"Lighting promised us knowledge that we could not get elsewhere," Hermione added.

"Enough," Lighting said loudly. "You can question my team later. Or you can do it now and never fond out who I am."

"We will ask question later."

"Cloud, Sky, your masks." Ginny and Neville removed their masks.

"Does Potter have no true friends?" Bella and Snape screamed at the same time.

"He does." Luna said a little defensively.

"Says you who if previous experience is anything to go by is probably someone close to him." Snape snarled at her.

"I almost feel sorry for the boy" Voldemort said calmly.

"Now my Beautiful Girlfriend will you please grace us with your beauty?"

"Of course, love." Luna took off her mask and Snape looked like he was trying hard to keep his face expressionless.

"His girlfriend betrayed him and she is cheating?" Snape hissed.

"When you put it like that it sounds bad." Luna said as though she was a little girl and she pouted a little.

"My turn," Lightning said. "This is exciting"

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