End of a Matriarch

Start from the beginning

"Minori," Mao Mao asserted himself. "Help the others, and finish the swarm. Ashaki and I will finish the queen." Before Minori could say anything, the two of them already took off.

By the time the two of them got to the kaiserin, the insect had already righted itself, staring the two of them down with its kaleidoscope eyes.

"Mao Mao!" Ashaki whipped her arm out, green circular platforms generating midair. Mao Mao understood where his sister was going with this. Running forward, he leapt from platform to platform, dancing around the wasp's head. The kaiserin snapped at Mao Mao with its large mandibles. "Step off!" Ashaki shouted, firing off a blast of chi at the oversized pest.

The wasp turned its attention onto Ashaki, which was just the distraction Mao Mao needed. Hopping off the platform and onto a nearby rooftop. Mao Mao hoisted Geraldine up, prepping his new move. Ashaki was able to note Mao Mao and his actions, deducing what her little brother was up too.

Ashaki quickly crafted a chi circle onto her palm. Putting her palm up towards the wasp, a length of chain made of chi shot out of her palm, encircling the wasp, and embedding itself into cobble on the other side of the wasp. Ashaki slammed her palm into cobblestone at her feet, planting the other chain there. She proceeded to repeat this process several more times, making sure that the kaiserin had no hope of breaking free.

Ashaki peppered the wasp with smaller chi blasts, distracting it from her brother. Mao Mao on the other hand concentrated heavily on Geraldine, taking deep breaths. This new technique was lightly inspired by the moth battle, where he had kept the light inside of the blade. Only this time, instead of the full blade, Mao Mao focused it into tip. Focus is key, he was used to the Lunar Lash, but this new technique is more precise.

The tip of Geraldine was beginning to sparkle, glowing brighter and brighter, until it was virtually a miniature sun. Mao Mao was just about ready to fire off the move, all that was needed, is name. Something to shout at the top of his lungs as he launched the finishing blow.

If Lunar Lash is an arc of light, and this technique is piercing move, then the name should be reminiscent of its characteristics. A lightbulb went off in Mao Mao's head, he knew exactly what to call the move.

"Shooting Star!"

Mao Mao thrusted Geraldine forward, light bursting out of the tip of the blade. A column of light streaked through the air, beaming into the kaiserin, its head veiled in light. Once the light had left the blade entirely, there was nothing left of the wasp's head. The insect's body went limp, dropping onto the cobblestones.

In response, the many smaller wasps began to spaz out, falling to the ground twitching. At first, Tanya and the others didn't know how to react. But eventually, Tanya shouted at them to hurry, while the wasps were inactive. Moving quickly, the Sheriff's Department made quick work of a majority of the neutralized wasps. Ashaki used her abilities to disable any stragglers so that it couldn't grow to be another queen.

This took the group hours to clean up, before they knew it, the sun was beginning to set. Badgerclops and Adorabat left to retrieve the sweetypies so they could continue their lives.

When all was said and done, they all left to their separate things. Ashaki went back to the castle. Mao Mao and Tanya left together to continue get a drink. Violet went to do another round around the kingdom to make sure they got all the wasps, Ashaki assured that they wiped out all the wasps, but you could never be too careful.

As for Minori, she went back to Sheriff HQ, dragging her feet as she walked along the porch. Setting herself on the edge, she gazed down at the kingdom. Resting her head against the house, she was left with her thoughts, thoughts that went around and around in circles.

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