"Aelia, I'm sorry, please just stay here alright? I'll be right bac-"

"Can I at least go grab some clothes?" I interrupted him, stepping away as reached out for my hand. "I'm... starting to get cold." I forced out, noticing the change in his expression from the corner of my eye.

"Make a list and I'll have someone gather what you need." He said lowly, before sighing.

Someone I don't know going through my personal belongings? I don't feel comfortable with that, the only person who goes through my things is me, not a stranger, nope.

"I want to go, it will only take a few minutes." I tried to sound reasonable, but Damien only growled out lowly.

"No." Is all he said before he turned around and started walking towards his motorbike, that was parked near his truck.

'No'? Is that all I get?

I jogged after him just as he put his helmet over his head and climbed on his bike, starting the engine just as I get close to him.

"Damien where are you going?" I shouted out, over the engine as he looked at me with hark, hard eyes.

He didn't say anything as he lowered his helmet and drove off around me before speeding down the dirt path until he turned and I couldn't see him anymore, leaving me stand there as I kicked a stone and it accidently hit the door of his truck.

What the hell is his problem?

Why won't he just tell me what the hell he's planning to do? Instead, he's blocking me out, after everything he's already put me through, he's doing it again.

He's driving me crazy, and I won't just stay here and let him tell me what to do, he might do that with everyone else, being Alpha, but not with me.

I thought mates were equals? Right now, it doesn't feel that way to me.

I look at Damien's truck and peek inside, wondering if he left the key inside or if he took it with him, I went over to the driver side and tried the door, and to be surprise... it was unlocked.

I jumped in his truck and gently closed the door, not wanting the pack members, and his parents to come running out and stop me from leaving the moment they hear a sound.

Damn werewolves and their super hearing.

I checked the glove compartment and there were his keys, right in front of me, I sat there for a few moments to go over the dangers in my head, wondering if this was a bad idea and maybe I should just listen to Damien.

Killian Locke was an old man, wolf or not, he'd not attack me during the day, especially during summer where everyone is outside, it makes it impossible for him to try anything, but there is also the possibility someone could be waiting for me inside my apartment.

I hated this, I miss not fearing for my life from a pack of vengeful wolves out to get me,

I couldn't stay though, so I put the keys into the ignition and started the truck, almost immediately I saw the front doors open and Ezra and two other men I didn't recognize, but saw them talk to Damien, start to run towards the truck.

They were fast- but I had to try, Damien's seat was pushed back so I had to sit forward and press the gas as hard as I can as I turned the truck around, watching from the rearview mirror as they got closer, and closer to me.

"AELIA?" Ezra shouted out. "Luna, don't do this, you can't leave right now!"

I ignored him and took off down the drive as they ran after me, I knew what I was doing was incredibly stupid, and if Damien found out, which I'm sure he already did, then I wouldn't be shocked if he ever let me out his sights again.

Ezra and the other two large men stopped running after me and I could see them from the mirror and how angry they looked, I will apologize to them when I'm back with an overnight bag, in the meantime I rearranged Damien's seat and pushed it forward until I was comfortable, then I put my seatbelt on.

The roads were empty, which I was glad for because Damien's truck was a beast of a machine, I felt like I was driving a bus, and even though I passed my driving test, I had still yet to buy a car.

It's been a while since I drove, but I was enjoying the freedom, I just had to make sure I didn't leave a scratch on it or worse... crash it.

As I got closer to my apartment, I hit a red light and waited for it to turn green, as I tapped my finger against the steering wheel, I hear screams, and then horns.

I turned to my left and that's when I saw it.

A larger truck was coming straight at me at full speed, in the few seconds that I had, I tried to move the car, but it was too late, and in those split second I saw the trunk coming right at me from the driver's side of the truck, I thought of Damien.

I thought of him and how stupid I was to leave the farmhouse, and as my life flashed before my eyes as I braced for what was to come, I felt the strong force of the impact and that was the last thing I felt.

I shouldn't have taken his truck...

I'm so sorry Damien, I should have listened to you.

I love yo-

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