I saw mommy and I ran to her. I hugged her but she didn't hug me back.

"Sit down." She said angrily and I sat down across from her.

"What happened?" Mommy asked.

I just shrugged my shoulder.

"Speak!" She shouted at me.

"They said that I was shoplifting."


"Because I took a lipstick."

I looked at mommy then quickly looked away from her. She always has an angry face.

"You didn't take it. You stole it. What were you even doing at the store in the first place?"

"Elin said that if I wanted something, I should go to the store."

Mommy laughed a little bit, "Elin, huh?"

I nodded my head. Mommy just looked at me.

"Yes." I said.

I turned and saw Zariah walk in with a lady who was wearing all white. They sat at a table close to ours. Zariah waved at me and I waved back at her.

Mommy looked at us. "Mommy that's my friend Zariah. We were in the cell together."

"I see that." Mommy said still looking at them.

"She might need help." Zariah said looking at me.

The lady in white and the other lady looked at me. The lady in white stood up and then the other lady stood up. They came to us and I sat up straight.

"Good afternoon. My name is Kyle Julie Grannet and this here is Andrea Micheals, the mother of my client, Zariah Michaels."

Mommy stoodp up and shook hands with Kyle and Andrea. I smiled at Andrea and she smiled back at me.

"I'm Delphia Raidon and this is my daughter  Delilah Raidon." Mommy said.

I waved at them and they waved back.

"Zariah tells me that Delilah might need some help?" Kyle asks mommy.

Mommy looks at Zariah and then clears her throat.

"Don't worry about it, I have it all handled." Mommy said smiling.

Kyle nods then takes out a card from her pocket.

"If you ever need me, contact me on that number." Kyle smiled then walked back to Zariah.

Andrea stood there looking at mommy.

"I know how difficult it is to raise a child with a mental illness. I placed Zariah in a mental facility and it helped her in so many ways. So if you ever need a helping hand, a mental facility will definitely help you." She said.

Mommy nodded, "Thank you for that."

"No problem at all. Do you know what's wrong with Delilah?"

"Age regression." Mommy said and Andrea looked at me.

"Hey Delilah."

"Hi." I said softly.

"We will get you out of here okay? You and Zariah can be friends outside this place, how does that sound." She said smiling.

"Yayyy! So that means me and Zariah will be friends forever?" I asked her.

"If you want to be."

I smiled at her and then looked at mommy.

"Mommy can I be friends with Zariah?"

"Sure you can."

I smiled then looked at Zariah.  I gave her a thumbs up and she just laughed.

"So how about we have coffee some time?" Andrea asked mommy.

"Sure, just let me know the time and date." She said holding my hand.

"And you can bring Dee along. Is she getting released today?"

Mommy looked at me, "I was planning to leave her here for another few days so that she can learn a lesson."

"Tough love, I see." Andrea said laughing a little.

"Yeah but I already payed her bail so she's coming home today." Mommy said.

"That's good. Zariah will be going to court today so it's going to be a hectic day."

"Alright. We'll talk soon." Mommy said.

"We sure will. Goodbye Dee."

"Bye Aunty Andrea." I said.

Andrea walked back to Zariah and Kyle and me and mommy headed back home.

My Mind And Them (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now