Chaper 20

133 6 4

"We have her test results." Doctor Jadyn said.

Daddy, mommy and I were in the doctor's room. We had lunch but I had pancakes.

"X-Ray image shows a small little packet in her abdomen. We don't know for sure what's in that package so we'll have to take it out. The test results came out negative for everything we tested her for." She explained.

"What did you test her for?" Mommy asked her.

"Drug substances and pregnancy. We also did an HIV test just incase."

Mommy nodded then looked at me.

"So when can she get the package removed?" She asked Doctor Jadyn

"I can book her in today if that's okay with you guys?"

Mommy and Daddy nodded.

"Delilah, you'll be staying here tonight okay? We need to remove something small from your tummy. Mommy and daddy will be right there with you, okay?" Jadyn said to me.

I didn't want to stay here. I wanted to go home. I just nodded my head to make mommy happy.

"Okay, so here are a few papers you'll need to sign and then we'll take her to the OR."

"Okay and are we allowed inside?" Daddy asked.

"Unfortunately not this time. Safety precautions."

Daddy nodded and I looked at mommy.

"So I'll be inside by myself?" I asked her.

Mommy nodded then she held my hand. "But I'll be right outside waiting for you to come out, okay?"

"Okay. Promise?" I held up my pinky.

Mommy wrapped her pinky around mine. "I promise." She said smiling.

I smiled then looked at Doctor Jadyn.

"Ready?" She asked.

I nodded my head.


I was on the hospital bed, I was wearing the hospital gown. Which looked very nice. It was pink with blue clouds.

Mommy and daddy we're standing next to me.

"Don't be scared. You'll be out very soon and maybe we can get pancakes later?" Daddy said.

I smiled at him because I was excited about the pancakes but what if I die on the table.

And then a memory came of me being on a silver table with my hands tied to the table so that I can't move and I saw small knives on the table.

"Mommy I'm scared. What if I die?"

"You won't die baby. You wanna know why? Because you're a strong girl and you're very brave."

Doctor Jadyn came into the room with two nurses.

"Okay we're going to take her to the operating room and we'll bring her right back here when we're done." She said.

They pushed me out the room and mommy and daddy waved at me. I didn't wave back because I was sad that I had to leave.


"We managed to get the package out safely without any complications. We tested the substance that was in the package and the result came out positive for meth which also contained nitrogen." I heard Doctor Jadyn explain.

My eyes were still closed. I got a memory where I was in a dark room with all these girls who looked dirty and I quickly opened my eyes.

Mommy looked at me and then came to me.

"How are you feeling baby?"

"Fine just tired." I said.

"Mommy where is daddy?"

"He had to go home. Remember your little brother still needs parental care." She said laughing.

I laughed also.

"So Delilah we did manage to take the little thing that was inside of you so I think you'll be just fine. I'll give some painkillers for the pain and also antibiotics for possible infections."

I just nodded my head even though I didn't understand what she was saying.

"Can we go home now mommy?"I asked her.

"I'm sure we can."

"I'll bring the discharge papers."

"Doctor can I have a word with you?" Mommy asked.


Mommy and Doctor Jadyn walked a little bit away from my bed but I could still hear them.

"Can I have a full medical report about this. I want to find the person who did this to my daughter."

"Sure but I think it's best if we hand this over to the police so that they can do an investigation."

Mommy nodded. "I'll hand it to the police first thing tomorrow morning."

Doctor Jadyn nodded then left the room.

Mommy took out her purse from her bag then called someone.

"They want me to hand this case over to the police. Fuck the police. They won't solve a thing, they're absolutely useless to the humankind. I'll get the report and we'll get to the bottom of this together...yes they are discharging her today...okay I'll see you tonight and tell JJ that his sister is just fine." Mommy said. I think she was talking to daddy.

"I can't wait to see JJ." I said smiling.

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