Part 5 - Training

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Issei POV

Issei: Why won't you let him help us, Rias?

Rias: I told you I want my family to know that I can do this on my own.

Issei: What's wrong with letting him train us though?

Rias: That's enough Issei, I gave you my answer now give it up!!

I sighed and walked out of the ORC clubroom. We had been given 10 days to train for the upcoming rating game. I had to have faith in the president, even if I don't agree with her.

Walked down the streets looking for y/n. I had no idea where he lived, but I hoped he could convince Rias.

I spent all day looking for him, only to come up empty handed. Tomorrow we were going off to training camp, and it would unfortunately be without y/n.

I made my way home and when I got there I was surprised to find Rias in my bed.

Issei: Rias, what are you doing in my bed?

Rias: Well I'm going to sleep with you silly. I also wanted to apologize, I shouldn't have snapped on you like that.

Issei: It's fine, I understand you want your family to believe in you.

Rias: It's not just that, even when we were kids y/n would always step in and save me from whatever trouble I got into. It's not that I'm not grateful or anything I just want to prove not only to my family, but to him that I can do this without his help.

Issei: I understand, but he's only trying to help you because he cares about you.

Rias: I know he does, and I'm thankful to have him. However, I'm not a kid anymore I need to handle this myself.

I was silent, I knew that y/n wanted to help, but Rias was so focused on proving something she wouldn't except it.


I was with Vali and his team, on the warpath against some rouge exorcists. I was angry that Rias wouldn't let me help her, and I needed to vent my frustrations.

I shot at everything I saw and swung my sword at anyone who came to close. I told myself I would always save her, but here she was refusing to let me help.

If she refuses to let you, then help in a way she won't realize.

What the fuck was that? I'm hearing voices in my head now? Great, I really have gone crazy.

Your not crazy, your hearing me for the first time.

Great it can also hear my thoughts, just damn wonderful. Alright 'Mr. all knowing voice in my head' what's your name?

I am the spirit that resides in your sacred gear. I am a fragment of the soul of the greek god of war, Ares.

Woah, Ares huh? So why am I only hearing you now?

You are on the battlefield, my presence will always be the most powerful in combat.

So does that mean that I can only hear you when I'm fighting?

Not quite, eventually you will be able to hear me whenever, but first you must continue to work with your sacred gear.

Ok well I guess after this fight, I'm going to talk to Azazel about this.

Issei POV

I was currently walking up a big ass hill with a backpack on my back.

Kiba: On your right.

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