Robin Daggers

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Well Lily said that she planned my bachelorette party, I hope it's not something stupid. She just put a blindfold on me and put me in a cab. Judging by the sounds, it is not just Lily and I in the car. Tracy maybe? Idk. I guess I'll have to trust Lily... Oh god. Maybe just a peek? No, I bet Lily is watching me. We get out of the cab and walk into a building. I hear shuffling and then Lily said "You can take off your blindfold now!" Take it off and a huge sign says "Vegas, baby!" held by Tracy and some other girl. Are we going to Vegas? I look around and take in my surroundings. We are in the airport! We are going to Vegas! Holy cow! "We're going to Vegas!" I scream, and Lily screams back "yeah!" All of a sudden, I feel violently sick. I seriously think I'm going to barf! I rush over to the garbage can and hurl into it. Ugh.. Why do I feel sick? It's the morning, I haven't been drinking, maybe I have the flu? Well this ruins the party. I feel fine now... I hurl into the trash can again. Nope, not flying today. Lily rushes to my side, looks critically at me, and declares, "we're not going." I say "yes we are" she says "no we're not! You're sick." I say "sorry" as per Canadian custom, and hurl again. what is wrong with me?! We drive home, and I complain about feeling fine, between barfing. Around lunchtime I feel better, good. I'm so very hungry!! I eat out Barney and I's entire fridge!

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