Lily Pad

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So Ted brought us his newest girlfriend, her name is Tracy. I hope they get married! Oop, getting ahead of myself. She's really really cool and nice and soooo pretty and she fits in so well with the group! I really really like her. She is so perfect for Ted, and I can tell that she likes him as much as he likes her. She would be great to invite to Robin's bachelorette party! We need more people, obviously not Patrice! So far all we have is Tracy and me! 😕 I talked to Barney about it, and he said that we should invite that girl from the strip club, Bridget, and from what he said she seems nice. That's only four people! What are we going to do? We could fly up to CANADA!!! Nah, there's no parties there. It's all maple syrup and hockey there. Hmmm, what should we do? What does Robin like? Shooting? We could get water guns and shoot each other in an epic game...idk help!! 😣 Maybe some kind of club? See a hockey game? I should call Tracy and see what she thinks. I should also call Bridget for suggestions... okay get it together. You are NOT freaking out. Calm, cool, collected...
-Lily! What is it?
-Well I was wondering if you would like to come to Robin's Bachelorette Party, if so can you help plan it?
-Sure! What have you got so far?
-Nothing! I'm a failure as a friend. I've wracked my brain for ideas, I can find any!!
-Hang on, I'm coming over.
Well thank god. Now to call Bridget...
-Who is this?
-Lily Aldrin, I'm Barney's friend.
-Oh! Why are you calling?
-Well, Barney thought you would be a good addition to the group, sooooo
-Barney's fiancée is having a bachelorette party and I want you to come, also I need help planning it, could you come to my apartment?
-Of course. Address?
-437 Grutterston St, Apt 3B
-I'll be right over. Isn't that in Dowesetrepia?
-Something like that. Byeeeeee!
Ding Dong! Tracy!
She's quick! I open the door and Tracy walks into our apartment, confident, carrying an ADORABLE little bag and wearing SWEET little booties, maroon in colour, size 7 1/2. My size!! I really like this girl.
-Focus. On. Me.
I look up and Tracy has a whiteboard and a cork board combination set up with Robin's information and an empty numbered list with the caption "Ideas"
How did that fit in there? Wow!
-It's bigger than it looks.
-Wow! I bet!
-Okay, so we could go out for drinks, go to a club, or go to a spa.
She pens it in on the whiteboard as she talks.
-the classics
She writes again, circling her first 3 options.
The doorbell rings, it's Bridget!
-Welcome! Come sit down!
I scream excitedly, she looks slightly frightened, and also happy. Poor her! She must not have many female friends.
-Alright, Bridget, Tracy, Tracy, Bridget.
-Hi! Come sit!
-Okay, as I was saying, we only have the classic ideas. does anyone have any more?
Bridget and I look at each other, minds blank.
-This is going to be a disaster!
I scream, in full on freak out mode.
-Well let's think about it overnight, and we can text ideas.
-Great idea Tracy! I give Bridget my phone to put her number in, and I get Tracy's. We switch again and I put my number into Bridget's, then hand it back to her. I create a group chat, and
test it with a simple "hi" the text tones from their phones punctuate the room, and I realize that I may have some new friends here.
My "Who wants wine?" Breaks the silence, and they both scream "me!!" Both having gotten taxis, I open up a bottle, and we chat about Bridget's mystery guy, Tracy and Ted's new relationship, and coo over Martin, lying in a sleepy daze in my arms.

Please please please leave bachelorette party ideas in the comments, also what you think of the story so far, don't worry it gets more interesting, a big surprise waiting for you around the corner!!! Hint: It's about Robin
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