Chapter 1 - A new start.

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He had enough. With all of the hate, all of the curses and 'pranks' done on him. And that was why he now stood in front of someones office, a person who he never had any sort of good relationship with. Someone... Whom he was sure, hated him.

Harry Potter, stood before the office door, of Severus Snape.

He had to gather up the courage to knock, a slight bit scared that he would disturb the man, too much. But then the door opened, and McGonagall stood there. She looked surprised at first, but then smiled and chuckled.

"Severus. It seems that you might have a little guest." It was the Winter vacation, so most were home, and Harry had been invited to the Weasley home for Christmas, he merely told them that he would see if he could make it. Making up an excuse.

Don't get him wrong, he loved the Weasley family, and they treated him like family. But Ginny and her mother, Molly, were both just asking too many question lately. Harry even pondered if he should just go to the manor and stay there for a bit... Sirius was dead, and Remus was alone now, after Tonks left, and the house was empty, apart from Kreacher.

"Potter?" Severus asked and Harry gulped before clearing his throat. "Professors..." He said and bowed to them both. "I'll leave-" "No!" Harry quickly said, unfortunately interupting the older woman, who just raised her brows, still smiling softly. "Sorry... Professor. I just... I actually needed to talk to the both, of you..." He said and sounded unsure with himself. McGonagall hummed and nodded, stepping aside so he could enter and closing the door after him.

"What?" Severus asked and Harry took some deep breaths, before looking at the man, in the eye, which shocked the older ravenette. "I... It is of no hate towards Godric Gryffindor, or to you, Professor McGonagall... That I ask this." He said and McGonagall smiled, softly. "But... Could it be possible for me, to be resorted. If possible, to the Slytherin house..." He said and Snape stood with a cold expression, but it was still clear to see, that he was in shock, especially since he remained quiet.

"Well... Have you talked to Dumbledore about this?" McGonagall asked and Harry seemed to deflate a little. "I kind of hoped I wouldn't have too... Dumbledore hasn't exactly been..." He hesitated, but Snape seemed to have found his wording once more. "He's been hard? Distant? Cold? Mean? Ass-like?" He asked and Harry blinked a few times, looking at the man once more, nodding his head slowly.


"What do you mean?"

"Minerva. Please. You know fully well what I mean."

"...But... Why would he?"

"He thrives on the power that he holds. If he no longer has Harry Potter, in his grasp, he will loose his mind. Quite literally. If Potter here, transfered to Slytherin, he wouldn't know what to do. I am sorry Minerva, but you stand too close to him to realize, he has you wrapped around his finger. I on the other hand, am nobody's servant." Harry stood, not daring to move as the two talked, or well, Snape handed everything to McGonagall.

Minerva seemed to ponder for a bit, before humming and nodding. "Harry. Are you sure?" She asked and Harry furrowed his brows, looking up at her. "Are you sure, that you want to transfer to the Slytherin house?" She asked more specific. "I am..." Harry said and nodded his head. She smiled softly and then sighed. "I apologize for not noticing that you were unhappy, sooner. But. As the head of the Gryffindor house. I grant you a resorting." She held out her hand, and the hat was now in it.

She placed it on Harry's head, and the ravenette heard the familiar voice in his head, albeit it being a little more cocky now, than the last time. "So. Reconsidered, ey?" It asked and Harry rolled his eyes. "Hey hey, no need to get all sassy, Mr. Chosen one. I wanted to place you in Slytherin, but you insisted." Harry sighed and glanced at Minerva, who looked with a soft smile, and Snape just stood with an unbothered look on his face. "I will, of course, grant your wish. But you and I need to discuss a few things first." The hat said and Harry straightened his back, folding his arms and then hummed. It was quite a sight for the two Professors.

Harry took off the hat, after it had said what it needed and wanted to get off its... chest? top? No matter, it said what it wanted, and Harry felt empty, after. Then it declared aloud to the professors. "Slytherin is his rightful place."

"Mr. Potter..?" Professor McGonagall asked, however she got no response. Harry just stared into the room, his eyes blank and his back straight. "Harry..." She asked once more and now Snape got interested. "Is he alright?" The man asked and McGonagall shrugged. "Harry. Whats the matter, what happened?"

After a while of trying to get into contact with him, they decided to bring in another to help. Since none of his friends were present on the school, and practically the only other person, who Harry knew, that was in the school, was Draco Malfoy. He was sent to the office.

A knock on the door, presented itself as the arrival of the blonde ferret. He entered and raised a brow. "Yes?" He asked and then saw Harry. He got weary. "The hell is up with him?" He asked and McGonagall sent him a warning glare. "Watch your mouth, Draco. And he is... Well... That's what we don't know... We hoped you could help."

Draco looked uncertain. He and Harry... Well, they were quite good friends. Not that anyone knew. No one other than Blaise and Pansy. They wouldn't have it any other way. Harry was afraid of what people would think, as where the other three, but they just wanted Harry to be happy.

Right in that moment. Harry scared him. He didn't move, it almost looked like he wasn't breathing. He was just staring with wide eyes out into the room. "Leave..." Draco said and the two Professors raised a brow. "What?" Snape asked and Draco sighed. "Leave. I'll get you when I know whats going on. Heard Granger talk about him blacking out a few times... Bloody Pottah for ya." He said and the two teachers sighed, but left none the less.

"Oh Harry..."

Don't Wanna go - Part 1 - Before the War.Where stories live. Discover now