Accidental Confession (TodoBaku)

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Ship: Todoroki x Bakugo

Setting: High School Au. Todoroki is 16 and Bakugo is 17. They're 2nd years

Story type: Fluff

No Top or Bottom needed


Bakugo has a crush on Shoto. The BakuSquad keeps telling Bakugo to tell him, but is afraid he'll be rejected.

But the only thing is Shoto was walking down the hallway and heard the whole conversation. He was shocked to hear that Bakugo liked him.

Shoto was confused by this because he didn't know if he was happy or angry or scared. His heart just started racing. So when they noticed him, Shoto still ran away.

Bakugo chased after him.


"Come on, Bakugo." Kirishima encouraged, leaning against his head board.

The BakuSquad was currently hanging out in his room. Right now, they were trying to convince Bakugo to tell Todoroki about his crush.

"Yeah, I never took you to be a scaredy cat." Kaminari teased.

"I'm not, Stupid." Bakugo said through his teeth.

"Well, if you're not one, then you should tell Todoroki!" Mina said with a big smile.

Bakugo sighed. "I just can't... It's- You guys don't understand."

"Yeah, guys. It's not as simple as walking up to him and being like 'Hey, Todoroki. I like you a lot. Please date me.' You know?" Sero said to the rest of the squad.

"Exactly. I don't think I'd be able to do it. I really don't want Todoroki to reject me or worse." Bakugo groaned as he rubbed his forehead.

"Yeah, Roki is a difficult person to understand." Sero rubbed his chin as he thought.

"Well, when you finally decide to do it. Tell me and I'll give you some ideas on how to do it." Mina said as she stood up to leave.

"The last thing he needs is one of your ideas." Kirishima said.

Kaminari laughed.

"Haha" She opened the door. "Just wait until you have a crush and- Uh oh..."

Mina's eyes wide as she looked out into the hallway.

"Mina, what's wrong?" Kirishima asked as they all went over to see what she was looking at.

They saw Todoroki in the hallway.

"Oh shit..." Kaminari said, voice full of worry.

The moment Todoroki made eye contact with Bakugo, he ran away.

Earlier with Todoroki

Todoroki had just left Uraraka's room. Him and the rest of the Dekusquad were hanging out there because Uraraka wanted to show them something.

The reason he left was because it was his turn to buy the Squad snacks.

He was in his own world until he heard his name from Kirishima's room.

He knew it wasn't right to eavesdrop, but he was curious, so he listened in.

"I just can't... It's- You guys don't understand." It was Bakugo's voice

"Yeah, guys. It's not as simple as walking up to and being like 'Hey, Todoroki. I like you a lot. Please date me.' You know?" He heard Sero say.

"Exactly. I don't think I'd be able to do it. I really don't want Todoroki to reject me or worse." Bakugo agreed.

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