Next Door Neighbor (SeroRoki)

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Ship: Todoroki x Sero

Setting: Adult Au. Todoroki is 25 and Sero is 25

Story type: Fluff-ish with Angsty feels

No Top or Bottom needed

Shoto and Hanta are next door neighbors. They have seen each other around and have had a conversation here or there. But for the most part they haven't talked.

But for Shoto, they talked enough for him to develop a crush on his neighbor.

One night, Shoto gets a knock at his door. When he opens it, it's Hanta. He was covered in cuts and bruises.

Shoto asked what happened. But Hanta gave him a vague answer and asked him to help him clean up. Shoto helps and Hanta does something else as a thank you.

But now Shoto is involved…


"Good morning." Shoto said as he put the key into his door.

The other man looked at him confused, but eventually said good morning back. Then he walked away.

Shoto sighed and walked into his apartment.

Who was the other man?

He was Shoto's next door neighbor, Hanta Sero.

They had been living next to each other for almost a year, but they hadn't really talked. Shoto had tried but it never worked out.

Sero would only give quick answers and that would be the end of the conversation.

Shoto didn't know why he wouldn't talk to him, but Shoto took it as Sero just wasn't a talker.

But even with them not talking much, Shoto still thought he was cute. His wavy black hair, and handsome face. The tattoos on his muscular arms. His accent or when he would sometimes reply in Spanish.

All of it was slowly knocking Shoto off his feet.

So as the days went on, Shoto would continue to be a nice neighbor and say "Hello" or "Good Morning/Evening".

Hoping that this nothing would develop into something

Those was their only conversation until…

Shoto was sitting in his armchair, currently reading a new book series. It was peaceful in his tiny apartment. The only noise was the sound of the light rain storm outside. It was truly relaxing.

*knock knock knock*

Shoto looked up at his door, very confused.

It was 8:45 pm at night. Who the hell was knocking on his door this late?

Shoto shrugged and decided to ignore it, hoping that the person would leave.

*thump thump thump*

The knocks got harder.

Now they have gotten Shoto's attention. He doesn't know why, but they kinda sounded… desperate?

Shoto slowly got up and got closer to the door. "Who is it?"

Shoto's voice was shaking with fear, he had no idea who was banging on his door

"Your neighbor, Sero." A weak voice answered.

Sero? What was he doing here? This is the same guy who wouldn't make any conversation with Shoto, but now he was at Shoto's door? What did he want?

But Shoto put those thoughts behind him and started to open the door.

Todoroki x MHA characters One-shotOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz