Loving Justin Bieber

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HANGS UP end of phone conversation.

"Lexiiiii you still on the phone?" I yelled.

"Nope, I'm coming" she yelled back and ran downstairs. I showed herc the article.

"What did Justin say about this?" she said biting her lip.

"Weeell I asked him what shall we do about it and he said tell them we're dating and I said but we're not and then...he asked me out!" I gushed.

"YES! finally!" she yelled as she jumped up and down.

"Woah, Lex you got half an hour before Chris picks you up!" I said.

"Help me get ready?" she wined with puppy dog eyes.

"Sure!" I said and left her to get changed while I got make up and curlers.

After I did her hair and make-up there was a knock at the door. Lexi wore a bright blue strappless dress and blue heels. She looked really pretty :)

"Ohmygod is that him?! Go get it!" she said nervously.

I rolled my eyes at her and laughed. I opened the door and there was Christian in black jeans and white shirt Lexi went up to him and hugged him.

"BYE" she yelled before leaving.

"Bye?" I said to the slammed door.

I got into my pj's and put Mean Girls on. It's 7:00pm and I'm sat here in my jammies watching mean girls. Stuff this, I'm going out tonight! I dialed Justins number and waited for him to pick up.


J: Hello?

A: Hey, you busy tonight?

J: Nope why?

A: Wanna go out? I'm bored..

J: Sure, I'll pick you up in half hour!

A: Ok bye!

J:See ya!

Now I gotta decide what to wear!


I decided on a tight black dress that had that slashes on it showing bright pink underneath. It went to just above mid-thigh and was one-shouldered. It showed a lot of my tanned legs and made them seem really long which is good because I'm really small! I felt a bit revealed when it came to the chest area as it was VERY tight and showed quite a lot :/ I didn't have enough time to change as some one knocked on the door. I quickly out on some bright pink heels and answered the door.

"Hey Justin" I said with a smile. Justins jaw dropped as he looked me up and down.

"WOAH! You look so hot right now" he said nearly drooling.

"Should I change? It wont take long-" I began but I was interrupted.

"NO! C'mon let's go" and he grabbed my hand and we got in his range rover.


I am SO drunk right now, I think it's like 1 in the morning and we've been to so many clubs I've lost count. Obviously, Justin got us in VIP areas and they sold us alcohol. Me and Justin were at the bar of some club and 'Knock You Down' by Keri Hilson came on. Justin pulled me too the dance floor and we started dancing.

"You look really hot tonight" slurred Justin.

"Thanks" I said with a giggle and then I hiccupped.

We began to grind against each other and one thing led to another and soon we were full on making out in front of aaall the paparazzi. Justin pulled away.

"Do you wanna go back to mine?" he whispered in my ear.

"Sure" I giggled as we made our way through the mass of sweaty dancing bodies. Soon we were outside and the cold air felt harsh against my bare skin. I then felt something warm across my shoulders, it was Justins jacket. I smiled him a thanks as we got in his car.


As soon as we shut the door we were making out. Our mouths moved tigether and never pulled away even when we were going up the stairs. We're in Justins room.

We fall back onto his bed and his tongue runs along my bottom lip asking for entrance and I happily accepted. As his tongue slid in my mouth Justins hand was going higher until it was below my breast. He fumbled for the zipper to my dress and soon my dress was thrown on the floor. I pulled Justins top off and we continues kissing. His hand made it's way to the clasp of my bra.. That's when I knew we had to stop.

"Stop!" I sat up breathlessly. Justin looked confused.

"We're drunk! We'll end up doing you know 'it'"

"Okay, shall we go to sleep?" he said looking sad but he slurred his words so he was still a bit drunk.


As soon as Justins head hit the pillow he fell asleep and I soon did the same...

Authors Note!

Sorry for the late upload! I hope this is as long as it looks on my iPod. Sorry if it's boring :/ comment+vote please :D

It started as a beautiful friendship...(Justin Bieber love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora