The Day Court

Começar do início

“That symbol only shows when you are a straight descendant of the Mother.”


“I don’t understand,” I said as I reread the passage that night.

In the morning, Azriel, Helion, and I were going to the Day Court to visit his libraries. I was excited but also scared of what I might find. I had already read that I was a descendant of the Mother, what else could there be?

“What do you not understand?” Azriel said as he handed me another cup of that healing tea from earlier. He lifted me from the chair I was sitting in and placed me on his lap. I was facing him but still had the book in my lap.

“How can I be a descendant of the Mother?” I asked. “It just says that anyone who bears The Mark is a descendant of the Mother. "It doesn't say anything about how.”

“I don’t think the how matters,” Azriel chuckled a little bit before he said, “You’re a god now.”

I scoffed as I slapped his shoulder. “No, I'm not.”

Azriel hummed. “Why don’t you go lay down?”

“I’m good,” I said, laying my head on his shoulder. Azriel ran his fingers through my hair, pulling it away from my face.

“You’ve been sitting here reading for three hours, you need to heal,”

I sighed. I hated that he was right. “Okay.”
Azriel got up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he carried me to the small bed. He held onto me as he pulled back the sheets and got into the bed with me on top of him. I shifted my wings so they were on either side of us, and placed my head on his chest.
I guess I really was tired because I barely heard him when he said, “I love you.”


The next morning, I was dressed in a dress. I didn’t necessarily like dresses, but I have never been to the Day Court, and I wanted to make a good impression. The dress stopped mid-thigh and was a deep blue so it stood out against my tan skin, the neckline plunged deep and showed most of my cleavage, and the back was low so it was easy to put on over the wings. Other than that, it was plain, so I put on a necklace with a diamond the size of my thumbnail in the shade of soft pink and a pair of black ankle boots. I strapped Synthiax to my hip and strapped a dagger to my thigh under the dress.

Azriel gulped when he saw me come out of the tent. “You look beautiful.”

“You don’t look too bad yourself,” I smiled at my mate and gave him a once-over. He was wearing a pair of black pants and a blue shirt underneath a leather jacket. His hair was combed back except that one stubborn piece of hair that fell onto his forehead. I can’t believe he was mine.
Mine mine mine, my light whispered in my ear.

Now that I had become more accustomed to my magic, I wasn't ashamed to show it to the world anymore, so I let my light slither around my wings and back.

“You look beautiful, Thalia.”

I turned around and Rhys and Helion were standing there in each of their own court attire. My father was dressed in his fine jacket and pants, his hair combed back and out of his face. He looked like Night itself. Helion was the epitome of Day with his white and golden robes, a crown of golden leaves adorned his eyebrow and it gleamed even in the dull light of Illyria. 

“Thank you,” I nodded my head towards him in respect and Helion smiled at me.

“Are you coming with us?” I asked my father.

“No, I have a meeting with Keir and the Darkbringers,” Rhys sighed. I could tell he did not want to go. “I don’t know how long you and Azriel will be, but hurry. I have a feeling we will need you soon, Thalia.”

“Right,” I said.

“Take care of her, Az.” Rhysand ordered his Spymaster. “Make sure she heals.”

“I will.” Azriel said, taking my hand. His shadow almost immediately curled around my light and darkness, swirling calmly.

“She will be safe in the Day Court,” Helion assured Rhysand.

“I’m coming, too.”

I looked behind Rhysand and Helion. Luke was standing there, his shoulders back and face hard as he stood at attention in the presence of his High Lords.

“Luke, stay here and fight,” I said to my best friend as he approached us.

“I would rather fight for my future High Lady,” Luke argued, a hand over his heart.

“Luke, don’t do this,” I said.

“Don’t worry, Thalia, I was the one who brought him along,” Rhys rested his hand on my shoulder. “He had made a bargain to protect you when I or Azriel aren’t there.”

“He did what?” I was surprised.

I remember when Luke and I used to live together, he would always joke and say he would become my Knight. When someone becomes your Knight in Prythian, it means they are technically your sword and shield when it comes to you being in danger. Usually, it would imply they want to marry you, but this only happens once every millennium. But Luke always said he would protect me, even when I don’t ask for it.

I gave Luke a look that said, “We will talk later”, before nodding to my father. “We should be back shortly.”

Of Love and ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora